项目名称: 新发仔猪腹泻病因的筛选及鉴定
项目编号: No.31201915
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 畜牧学与草地科学、兽医学、水产学
项目作者: 单同领
作者单位: 中国农业科学院上海兽医研究所
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 自2010年以来,无名仔猪腹泻给我国的养殖业带来巨大的经济损失。复杂的仔猪肠道病毒群落,给诊断腹泻的病因带来困难。常规检测方法不能鉴定此次仔猪腹泻的病因。病毒宏基因组学是近年来新兴的一项技术,能充分挖掘特定环境中的病毒群落和新发病毒。应用该技术能全面分析仔猪肠道内的病毒群落,将有望挖掘出引起仔猪腹泻的主要病因。本研究拟采用病毒宏基因组学、高通量测序和生物信息学等技术,深度分析我国健康仔猪和腹泻仔猪肠道内的病毒群落,期望发掘出新发病毒,同时比较二者病毒群落的差异,筛选出疑似与腹泻相关的已知病毒、变异毒株或新发病毒;针对上述疑似病毒,通过流行病学调查和关联分析等筛选出引起腹泻的主要致病性病毒。本项目的实施将填补我国在病毒宏基因组学研究的空白,分析我国健康仔猪和腹泻仔猪肠道内的病毒群落,挖掘出仔猪肠道内的新发病毒,筛选出引起仔猪腹泻的致病性病毒,为预防我国的猪病提供参考,为诊治仔猪腹泻奠定基础。
中文关键词: 仔猪腹泻;;病毒宏基因组学;高通量测序;病毒群落;变异PEDV
英文摘要: From 2010 to now, piglet diarrhea, caused by unknowing pathogens, has caused seriously loss of economy in porcine industry in our country. It is difficult to identify the cause of piglet diarrhea using conventional detection methods for the complicate virome in piglet intestinal tract. For the past few years, viral metagenomic is a new technology used for analyzing virome and novel viruses. Using this technology to analyze the virome of piglet intestinal tract, it may discover the main cause of piglet diarrhea. In the study, using viral metagenomic, high throughput sequencing technology, bioinformatics and genome walking, et al, the viromes of stool samples from healthy piglets and diarrhea piglets were deeply analysis to discover novel viruses. Then, the differences of the two viromes are compared to discover doubtful viruses associated with diarrhea. Based on the doubtful viruses, using epidemiological investigation and association analysis, the mainly potential viral cause of the piglet diarrhea may be identified. The results of this study will fill the domestic gap in viral metagenomic in our country, analysis the viromes of stool samples from healthy piglets and diarrhea piglets, discover novel viruses that is unknown in piglet intestinal tract, screen potential viruses that cause piglet diarrhea, provide i
英文关键词: Piglet Diarrhea;Viral Metagenomic;NGS;Virome;Variant PEDV