项目名称: 太阳辐射值与喷射-压缩复合制冷系统流动和热力参数的动态耦合机理研究
项目编号: No.51306214
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 能源与动力工程
项目作者: 郑慧凡
作者单位: 中原工学院
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 太阳能集热系统集热量的波动会影响喷射制冷系统的运行稳定,热水温度和流量、发生温度、发生压力等参数的最优匹配是保持系统高效运行的关键,本项目旨在前期工作基础上对太阳能喷射-压缩复合制冷系统的动态耦合特性进行研究和探索,重点进行太阳辐射强度、太阳能集热系统和发生器之间的动态流动及热力特性研究。建立太阳能集热系统和喷射-压缩复合制冷系统之间的动态仿真模型;分析太阳辐射强度和室外温度变化时的水箱体积、热水流量和温度与制冷系统流动和热力参数之间的变化关系,查明最优发生压力变化规律,获得流动和热力参数的最优匹配,进而确定喷射器个数配置原则及变工况运行切换研究。本研究从本质上对集热量改变下的太阳能喷射-压缩复合制冷系统的持续高效运行给出科学解决方法,对我国太阳能制冷技术的发展与进步有着积极意义。
中文关键词: 太阳辐射强度;流动和热力参数;动态特性;最优发生压力;喷射器设置原则
英文摘要: The operation stability of solar ejector refrigeration system is affected by heat-collecting capacity of solar collector system, and the optimum collocation of system parameter, such as hot water temperature and flow rate, generator temperature and pressure, is the key to keep the system efficient operation. Based on the early work, the dynamic operation characteristic of solar ejector-compression combined refrigeration system is analyzed specially. And the dynamic flow and thermal characteristics among solar radiant intensity, solar collector system and generator has been researched. The dynamic simulation model between the solar collector system and the ejector-compression combined refrigeration system is established, and the variation characteristics is analyzed among solar radiant intensity, water tank volume, hot water mass flow rate and temperature, refrigeration system flow, and thermodynamic parameter when the solar radiant intensity and ambient temperature change, the character of optimum generator pressure has been researched, and the optimum collocation of flow and thermal parameter has been achieved, and then the number of ejector setting and operation principle are determined. The scientific solution has been given for the effective operation of solar ejector-compression combined refrigeration syste
英文关键词: Solar radiation intensity;flow and thermal parameter;dynamic character;optimum generator pressure;ejector setting principle