项目名称: 尖晶石型催化剂氧化储存-化学脱附法控制燃煤烟气汞污染研究
项目编号: No.21207067
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 环境化学
项目作者: 杨士建
作者单位: 南京理工大学
项目金额: 27万元
中文摘要: 我国燃煤的汞污染排放已经引起国内外的高度关注,开展燃煤电厂的汞污染排放控制已经被环境保护部提上议事日程。由于我国燃煤普遍具有低氯高硫的特征,使得国外研发的燃煤电厂汞污染控制技术(PAC,SCR+FGD)在我国的应用受到限制。为此本课题提出了一种适合我国国情的零价汞氧化储存-化学脱附法,希望实现燃煤电厂汞污染排放的集中控制和金属汞的资源化。本课题拟重点研究汞在尖晶石型催化剂表面氧化还原反应的微观机制,分析零价汞氧化储存和氧化汞化学脱附的动力学过程,揭示尖晶石型催化剂的制备、物化性质与零价汞氧化储存-化学脱附能力三者之间的构效关系。在此基础上研制出成本低廉,环境友好,零价汞氧化储存速率高、容量大,氧化汞化学脱附速率快、效率高的尖晶石型催化剂。本项目的开展有望为解决我国燃煤电厂的汞污染问题提供一个新思路,具有显著的科学意义和实际应用价值。
中文关键词: 铁基尖晶石;零价汞;燃煤烟气;化学吸附;构效关系
英文摘要: The emission of mercury from coal combustion in China is a serious concern. Recently, the revised Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Thermal Power Plants of China (GB13223-2011) has been taken into effect, and the limited value of mercury emission has been capped. However, PAC and SCR+FGD, which are widely used for the control of mercury emission from flue gas in U.S.A, are currently extremely restricted in China due to the high sulfur content and the low chlorine content in feed-coal. In this proposal, elemental mercury oxidization storage and chemical desorption using spinel catalyst is developed to control elemental mercury emission from flue gas. The oxidization-reduction of gaseous elemental mercury on spinel catalyst will be studied. After compared the physicochemical properties of spinel catalyst before and after oxidization storage and chemical desorption, the mechanism of elemental mercury oxidization storage and chemical desorption on spinel catalyst will be investigated. Then, the structure-activity relationship between the physicochemical properties of spinel catalyst and its ability for elemental mercury oxidization storage and chemical desorption will be built. Based on the structure-activity relationship, a low cost and environmental-friendly spinel catalyst with high ability for elemental me
英文关键词: Fe based spinel;Elemental mercury;Flue gas;Chemical adsorption;Structure-activity relationship