项目名称: 集群环境下大范围三维复杂场景的并行绘制机理及算法实现
项目编号: No.41271390
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 李朝奎
作者单位: 湖南科技大学
项目金额: 75万元
中文摘要: 目前三维场景的单机绘制及其采用的静态算法已无法满足日益增长的三维地理空间信息对其辅助空间决策支持的表达需求。借助粒度模型理论、负载平衡理论、图像融合理论等研究大范围、多尺度三维复杂场景的高效实时可视化问题,突出解决大范围复杂三维场景并行绘制中的理论与方法难题。针对目前大范围、三维复杂场景绘制在速度、容量、画面真实感等方面存在的问题和缺陷进行研究,提出集群环境下大范围三维复杂场景的并行绘制机理、模式、算法,并在小型集群上进行验证性实现与应用,具体研究内容包括:(1)基于PC集群的并行绘制架构与集群通讯机制;(2)大范围复杂3DCM的空间存储与数据组织模型,(3)集群环境下并行绘制算法,包括任务动态分配平衡、实时帧同步、多通道屏幕图像融合与矫正,(4)小型集群原型系统。研究成果有望为大范围、多尺度三维复杂场景的实时可视化开辟一条新的途径,进而促进三维地理信息系统的高效可视化决策与大众化应用。
中文关键词: 三维城市模型;三维地理信息系统;PC集群;并行绘制算法;粒度模型
英文摘要: Drawing depending on single computer with the help of graphics accelerator card and static algorithm has been unable to meet the needs for the growing geographic spatial information and the needs for the aided spatial decision-making support. By means of data granularity model theory, load balancing theory, image fusion theory of large scale complex three-dimensional scene, efficient real-time visualization of large scope, complex scenes in the parallel rendering theory and method problem. Aiming at the large scope, complex three-dimensional scene drawing in speed, capacity, picture realistic problems and defects were studied, based on PC clusters of large complex scene of the parallel rendering method, the research contents include: ( 1) PC cluster based parallel computing architecture; ( 2) suitable for parallel mapping of the 3D model quick access to spatial database structure and organization, ( 3) PC clusters environment of parallel computing and rendering, including dynamic task allocation equilibrium, real-time frame synchronization, multi channel and large screen image fusion and correction. Research is expected to for a large range, multi-scale complex scene real-time visualization to open up a new way, and then promote the three-dimensional geographic information system and the popularization applicati
英文关键词: 3D City Model;3DGIS;PC Group;Parallel-Resnding;Granularity Model