项目名称: 定转子双谐振环形行波超声电机基础研究
项目编号: No.51275287
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 杨明
作者单位: 上海交通大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 受定转子之间摩擦传动的限制,现有超声电机和传统电磁型电机相比,工作效率低,输出功率小。这将超声电机的应用限制在对输出功率要求不高和非连续工作的场合。为利用齿轮传动效率高、适用功率和圆周速度范围广的特点,本申请提出定转子双谐振环形行波超声电机基础研究的课题,拟在处于谐振状态附近的定子和转子中都激发出行波,通过定转子之间行波轮廓的啮合,实现定转子之间的类齿轮传动。但是环形行波超声电机定转子表面行波波峰一般只在微米数量级,定转子行波轮廓啮合能在多大程度上实现齿轮传动的效果,却是一个问题。为此,本申请拟通过振型、振幅对定转子双谐振超声电机输出功率影响机理的仿真研究、基于振动反问题的转子设计研究、定转子行波轮廓啮合下的控制方法研究,及相应的实验研究等,设计、制作出定转子双谐振环形行波超声电机,并实验验证定转子类齿轮传动的可行性。本课题将为提高超声电机输出特性,拓展新应用,提供理论和技术基础。
中文关键词: 超声电机;双谐振;行波;齿轮传动;
英文摘要: Comparing to the eletromagnetic motors, ultrasonic motors have shown a limited output power and low efficicency due to the friction drive between the stator and rotor, which restricts the applications of ultrasonic motors to low power requirements and non-continuous operations. To make use of the characteristics of high drive efficiency with wide range of power outputs and rotation speeds of gear drive, a principle investigation of annular travelling wave ultrsonic motors with double resonant stator and rotor is proposed. This proposal aims to realize a type of gear drives between the stator and rotor with meshing travelling waves, which are generated on the surfaces of resonant stator and rotor.However, what kinds of extension of meshing travelling waves with the orders of micrometer wave amplitudes are similar to the gear drive,is an open question. To answer this question, this proposal will investigate the mechanism of power output variation with different vibration modes and amplitudes, the design study of rotor based on the vibration inverse problems,the control methodology under meshing travelling waves between stator and rotos, and related experiemntal study. Based on these investigations,we wil design and fabricate an annular travelling wave ultrasonic motor,which will be further used to verify the feas
英文关键词: Ultrasonic motors;Double resonances;Travelling waves;Gear drives;