项目名称: 基于双重网络嵌入与价值模块整合的物联网商业模式构建机制研究
项目编号: No.71202156
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 工商管理
项目作者: 胡保亮
作者单位: 杭州电子科技大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 为了获取物联网的经济价值,需要构建有效的商业模式。顺应价值创造由线性模式转化为网络模式趋势,并结合物联网应用的网络化、系统化特征,聚焦用户企业但又不局限于用户企业,采用文献考察、案例分析、因子分析、层次回归分析等方法研究物联网商业模式构建机制。本项目首先集成物联网技术能力和经济价值特征,以及业务子网络与技术子网络相关主体的不同价值诉求,研究物联网商业模式概念的维度构思;接着通过整合网络资源、网络流程、网络价值创造理论,解析双重网络嵌入、价值模块整合与物联网商业模式之间的传导机制以及环境动态性对此传导机制的影响,研究物联网商业模式构建的路径机制;最后将双元理论及其分析方法从组织内扩展到组织间网络层次,考察价值模块整合双元性对物联网商业模式的作用机制以及环境动态性、双重网络嵌入对此作用机制的影响,研究物联网商业模式构建的双元机制。本项目将丰富和发展物联网商业模式构建理论,也将为实践提供参考。
中文关键词: 物联网;商业模式;物联网商业模式;双重网络嵌入;价值模块整合
英文摘要: In order to acquire the economic value of Internet of Things(IoT), it is essential to build an effective business model(BM). According to the trend of value creation changing from the linear model to the network model, and combining the network, systematic features of the application of IoT, this study takes the perspective from outside of the application enterprises of IoT to explore the building mechanism of the BM of IoT, by using literature review, case study, factor analysis, hierarchical regression analysis as well as other methods. Firstly, it studies the construct of the BM of IoT, through the integration of the technological capability and economic value characteristics of IoT, as well as the different value proposition of the relevant participants in the business sub-network and technologic sub-network. Afterwards, it studies the path mechanism in building BM of IoT, through the integration of network resource, network process, network value creation theories, and interpreting the transmission mechanism between the dual network embeddedness, value modularity integration and the BM of IoT as well as the influence of the environmental dynamism on this transmission mechanism. Finally, it studies the ambidexterity mechanism in building BM of IoT, by extending the ambidexterity and its relevant analysis met
英文关键词: Internet of Things;Business Model;Business Model of Internet of Things;Dual Network Embeddedness;Value Module Integration