项目名称: 复合能场作用下磨粒射流加工新技术基础研究
项目编号: No.51275116
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 张勇
作者单位: 哈尔滨工业大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 本项目针对航空航天用难加工材料复杂形状零件高效精密加工的技术难题,提出一种综合利用机械、电、化学、射流流场等复合作用实现难加工材料高效去除加工的新方法。该方法将多种能量(机械、电、化学)同时作用于工件材料表面,在加工过程中各能量相互促进,在获得高质量表面的同时大幅度提高加工效率。通过研究磨粒射流流场、电场、化学能场多场耦合作用对材料去除的作用机制、多相流对加工过程的影响机制以及多能量共同作用时对材料去除的相互作用机制,揭示复合能场作用下磨粒射流加工的材料去除机理,建立材料去除特性模型;并对加工表面完整性及加工过程控制技术进行研究,在此基础上研究实现该方法的实验装置及加工工艺,最终形成一种适用于金属基难加工材料复杂形状零件高效精密加工的新技术。其研究成果可应用在航空、航天、国防及民用等领域,有着广阔的应用前景,对突破国外的技术封锁,提高我国难加工材料复杂形状零件加工的技术水平具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 难加工材料;高效精密加工;复合加工;多场耦合;磨料射流
英文摘要: A new high effective precision abrasive jet technology which applied recombination energy including mechanical,electrical field as well as chemical action to difficult-to-cut metallic matrix materials surface is proposed. The principal of this technology is that the workpiece surface material is removed by the action of compound energy field including mechanical,electrical and chemical effect and different energy can be strengthened reciprocally. So the machining efficiency can be increased greatly while high quality surface can be achieved. In this project, firstly, on the basis of investigating the mechanism of multifield coupling action and the multiphase flow as well as different energy simultaneous to material removal,the material removal mechanism for this technology can be presented. Secondly, an experimental equipment will be developed based on the mechanism studying above. And then the mathematic model of material removal characteristic for this technology and the surface integrity as well as machining control technology will be studied.The machining process for this technology will be researched on this experimental equipment. At last, a new high effective precision machining method to difficult-to-cut materials can be obtained. The achievement of this project can be widely applied to machine the diffi
英文关键词: difficult-to-cut materials;high effective precision machining;hybrid machining;multi-field couple;abrasive jet