项目名称: 非平稳畸变信号条件下有功电能计量新方法研究
项目编号: No.51277043
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 张晓冰
作者单位: 哈尔滨理工大学
项目金额: 75万元
中文摘要: 现代电网中,除了平稳的基波和谐波信号之外,还出现了准周期、时变的非平稳畸变信号,由此引发了复杂电网功率潮流的变化,突显了现有电能计量方式的不准确、不合理。研究非平稳畸变信号条件下电能计量新方法是电能计量领域一个极具理论意义及应用价值的课题。本申请项目采用随机信号分析、泛函分析及小波分析等方法解决非平稳畸变信号条件下有功电能准确合理计量的问题。建立与实际情况相符的电网信号的泛函级数模型;采用相关函数法进行有功功率潮流分析,确定影响有功电能计量合理性的因素,提出非平稳畸变信号条件下有功电能计量的新方法;研究信号频率跟踪算法,为构造紧支撑双正交小波基提供准确的基波频率;基于非平稳畸变信号的不同特征,构造相应的紧支撑双正交小波基,并研究满足准确性和实时性要求的自适应小波算法,实现畸变功率及电能的准确高效计量。试制非平稳畸变信号条件下电能计量新方法验证装置,验证所提方法的正确性与实时性。
中文关键词: 非平稳;畸变信号;有功功率;多小波波;频率跟踪
英文摘要: In modern grid, besides steady-state fundamental component and harmonic signals, there are unstable signals with complex quasi-periodic and time-variable characteristics. This has caused complex power flow change in the grid, and exposed serious inaccuracy and unreasonableness in the existing measurement methods. It is a topic with great theoretical significance and application values that researching on a novel measuring method of electrical energy under the conditions of non-stationary distortion signals. This project solves the problems of the accurate and reasonable measurement of active electrical energy under the conditions of non-stationary distortion signals using mathematic tools such as random signal analysis, functional analysis and wavelet analysis. First, functional series models of distortion signal in actual grid are established. Second, active power flow is analyzed using the methods of relative functions. Factors affecting the reasonable measurement of the active electrical energy are determined. A novel measuring method is presented for active electrical enery under the conditions of non-stationary distortion signals. Furthermore, frequency tracking algorithm of grid signals is studied . The algorithm provides accurate fundamental frequency to the construction of tight supported bi-orthogona
英文关键词: non-stationary;distortion signal;active power;multi-wavelet;frequency tracking