项目名称: 水华生消过程中沉积物微生物变化及其对重金属赋存形态的影响
项目编号: No.41201528
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 地理学
项目作者: 刁晓君
作者单位: 中国环境科学研究院
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 虽然经过多年治理,但我国湖泊水华现象依然严重,加上近年湖泊工业污染增加,湖泊环境治理仍面临巨大压力。沉积物微生物既是元素生物地球化学循环的主要参与者,又是污染物环境行为的主要影响者,对改善湖泊环境有重要作用和价值。虽然之前开展了很多沉积物微生物方面的研究,但却很少关注水华生成和消亡过程对沉积物微生物的影响,更少涉及沉积物微生物变化对污染物环境行为的影响,这不但有碍于深入评价水华对湖泊生态系统的影响,而且也不利于利用沉积物微生物改善湖泊环境。本研究拟以浅水湖泊巢湖为对象,通过野外原位实验和室内微宇宙模拟实验,结合现代分子生物技术分析水华生消过程中沉积物微生物的变化及其对重金属赋存形态的影响,将重点关注水华生成和消亡过程中沉积物微生物群落结构、特殊功能微生物、生物酶等的变化以及它们与重金属赋存形态变化的关系,为深入评价水华对湖泊生态系统的影响、利用沉积物微生物改善湖泊环境等提供科学依据。
中文关键词: 水华生消过程;沉积物;微生物;重金属;形态转化
英文摘要: Although great efforts have been done in past years, algal blooms are still serious in Chinese lakes presently. Moreover, increasing industrial pollution causes greater difficulty in lake treatment in recent years. So it is necessary to explore new methods to treat environment of lake. Microbes in sediment not only produce great impact on biogeochemical cycle of element but also affect environmental behavior of pollutant, so they are significant to improve environment of lake. Unfortunately, although there are many reports related to sediment microbes in previous studies, less attention is paid to microbial shift in sediment during algal blooms of lake, and much less attention is paid to effect of microbial shift on environmental behavior of pollutant. This increases difficulty in deeply evaluating effect of algal bloom on ecosystem of lake, and improving environment of lake by microbes in sediment. In this study, microbial shift and their effects on heavy metal speciation during outbreak and extinction of algal blooms will be investigated in Chaohu Lake through field in-situ experiment and simulation experiment respectively. Advanced molecular biological methods are used to indicate change of microbial community structure, microbial biomass with special function, biological enzyme activity in sediment. In addi
英文关键词: outbreak and extinction of algal blooms;sediment;microbes;heavy metal;speciation transformation