项目名称: 单量子点中双激子发射全同光子的制备及相关物理研究
项目编号: No.11474275
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 孙宝权
作者单位: 中国科学院半导体研究所
项目金额: 110万元
中文摘要: 基于量子点单光子发射制备不可分辨的全同光子是量子通信、量子网络以及线性量子计算的核心问题之一。目前,主要是通过调谐两个量子点的发光波长相同来实现全同双光子的制备及相应的Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM)实验。本项目提出利用量子点的双激子级联发射光子实现全同双光子的制备及检测,主要的研究方法是采用静水压力调谐双激子束缚能为零,此时双激子级联发射的两个光子具有相同的波长及偏振特性,通过HOM实验的延迟选择制备全同双光子。研究压力下电驱动量子点的单光子发射,及全同光子的制备和检测。实现压力下连续调谐单(双)激子发光,以及单光子的相干性研究都具有丰富的物理内涵和极大的技术挑战。这些研究内容及技术手段的开发为今后在固态体系中以光子为飞行的量子比特的固态量子信息研究提供前期研究基础。
中文关键词: 量子点;双激子发射;全同光子;压力调谐;双光子干涉实验
英文摘要: It is one of the fundamental issues for generating indistinguishable photon based on quantum dot (QD) single photon emission in the fields of the quantum communication, quantum network, and linear quantum computation.Note that tuning the QD wavelength is required in order to generate indistinguishable photon and complete the Hong-Ou-Mandel(HOM)experiment.Here the indistinguisable photon based on emitting from QD biexciton cascade is generated and tested.The method used is to tune the biexciton binding energy and make it equal zero value through applied hydrostatic pressure. In this case, two photons emitted from biexciton emission have the identical wavelength and polazrization.In the HOM experiment with a delay in one optical path, indistinguishable photon is generated. We have also investigated the electrically driven QD single photon emission and indistinguishable photon under pressure.Note that there are lots of physics and great challenges in technique for realizing pressure-tuning exciton and biexciton emissions continuously and studying the coherence of exciton emissions. Those works can lay the foundation of the research of the solid quantum information based on flying quantum bit.
英文关键词: quantum dots;biexciton emission;indistinguishable photon;tuning through hydrostatic pressure;Hong-Ou-Mandel interference