项目名称: 基于半导体量子点-光学微腔耦合系统量子信息处理的研究
项目编号: No.11264042
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 王洪福
作者单位: 延边大学
项目金额: 50万元
中文摘要: 量子计算与量子信息是2l世纪基础和应用科学研究的一大挑战。要实现实用意义上的量子信息和量子计算,必须解决量子比特系统的可拓展性问题。基于半导体量子点的固态系统,因具有稳定的量子相干性、易操作、和可集成等特性,被认为是实现固体量子信息处理器或量子计算机最重要的物理载体之一。本项目基于半导体量子点-光学微腔耦合系统,进行有关量子信息处理方面的理论研究。具体内容包括:多体可扩展的量子纠缠的实现及其纯化(浓缩)、多比特量子逻辑门的实现、量子算法最优化量子线路的构建及物理实现、以及远距离量子通信网络和分布量子计算中多节点之间稳定的量子中继器的建立及其实现等问题。本项目旨在通过对半导体量子点-光学微腔耦合系统量子特性的研究,探寻有益于提高量子信息处理效率的有效的操控方法以及降低消相干影响的有效途径,为规模化、实用化量子信息处理的实现提供理论基础和实验依据。
中文关键词: 量子信息;量子计算;量子点;光学微腔;量子纠缠
英文摘要: Quantum information processing and quantum computation pose grand challenges for basic applied science in this century. Creating scalable quantum systems is essential for the realization of practical quantum information and quantum computation. Solid system based on semiconductor quantum dot is considered to one of the most important physical carriers due to the fact that it can be accessed and scaled more easily, and it has a long coherence time. The main content of this project is focused on theoretical study on quantum information processing based on semiconductor quantum dot and optical microcavity-coupling system. Including the realization and purification (concentration) of scalable multipartite quantum entanglement, the implementation of multiqubit quantum logic gates, the construction and the physical realization of multi-bit quantum algorithms, and the establishment and realization of the stable quantum repeater among multiple nodes for long distance quantum communication neworks and distributed quantum computation. The goal of this project is to seek the efficient controlling method of improving the efficiency of quantum information processing and seek the efficient way of reducing the influence of quantum decoherence, providing some useful theoritical foundations and experimental datas for largle scal
英文关键词: quantum information;quantum computation;quantum dot;optical microcavity;quantum entanglement