项目名称: 集成化固态量子比特的探测和相干操纵
项目编号: No.91321310
项目类型: 重大研究计划
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 于扬
作者单位: 南京大学
项目金额: 400万元
中文摘要: 超导量子比特具有初始化、调控、测量、集成都十分方便的突出优势,成为实现实用化的量子计算的主要候选系统之一。但是,超导量子比特和环境较强的相互作用导致其退相干时间较短,无法满足大规模量子计算的要求。另一方面,许多微观量子比特具有很长的相干时间,例如金刚石NV色心和半导体量子点中电子自旋就具有毫秒以上的退相干时间。因此,立足超导量子比特的优势,并发挥微观量子比特退相干时间长的特点,探索二者结合构成杂化量子信息处理系统在基础研究和量子计算的实现方面都具有特别重要的意义。本项目拟设计和构筑基于冯诺依曼模型的固态量子计算机原型。利用超导量子器件设计和构筑单量子态体系,实现对单量子态的精确控制和探测。研究多种固态量子比特中单量子态的耦合、纠缠、和相干操纵,探索杂化量子比特的构筑、相干操纵、和单量子态探测,为实现集成化量子计算提供可能的理论基础和技术方案。
中文关键词: 量子计算;超导量子比特;金刚石NV色心;半导体自旋;
英文摘要: Comparing with other quantum bits, superconducting qubits possess advantages in initialization, manipulation, measurement, and coupling. Therefore, they are promising candidates for realizing quantum computing. However, the decoherence time for superconducting qubits is usually short due to the strong coupling with the environment. Although great progress has been made, it is still too short to do practicle quantum computing. On the other hand, the decoherence time for microscopic quantum bits is usually long. For instance, the decoherence time of the NV center qubit in diamond and spin in quantum dots can be longer than ms. Therefore, it is worth to try to combine two systems together to do hybrid quantum computing. We will design and fabricate single and coupled qubits, investigate the manipulation and measurement of quantum states. We will also investigate the coupling and entanglement between hybrid solid-state qubits, realizing manipulation, control, and measurement of the hybrid qubit states.
英文关键词: Quantum Computation;Superconducting Qubits;NV Center;Spin;