项目名称: 新型靶向近红外荧光探针的设计、合成及用于线粒体内过氧化氢的荧光成像及毛细管电泳分析的研究
项目编号: No.21205049
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 分析化学
项目作者: 曹丽伟
作者单位: 暨南大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 基于目前过氧化氢荧光探针反应特异性差、荧光波长大多在紫外-可见光区、不具有靶向功能的特点,本项目拟首次设计、合成以硼酸片呐醇酯为活性反应基团,以BODIPY为荧光团,以三苯基膦为线粒体靶向基团,同时具有标记功能和靶向功能的新型近红外过氧化氢荧光探针,将荧光成像实时、可视化分析与毛细管电泳分离-激光诱导荧光检测两种方法相结合,建立高灵敏、高选择性分析检测线粒体中过氧化氢的新技术和新方法,并期望应用于一种重大疾病(如帕金森综合症)的早期诊断、病理初步研究。本项目的完成将为生物体内过氧化氢的检测及生理、病理研究提供实用可靠的探针及实验方法,为从亚细胞和分子水平上深刻认识生命的化学本质与基本过程提供有效的手段。
中文关键词: 荧光探针;毛细管电泳;高效液相色谱;荧光成像;过氧化氢
英文摘要: These probes currently available for the determination of hydrogen peroxide have many limitations such as poor reactive specificity, short fluorescence wavelength and the absence of target moiety. This project is aimed at designing and synthesizing a new type of near-infrared fluorescent BODIPY probe for hydrogen peroxide, with a pinacolato diboron as a reactive group and a triphenyl-phosphonium as a target group for mitochondria. The probes will also be used to selectively detect hydrogen peroxide in mitochondria using fluorescent imaging and capillary electrophoresis-laser induced detection. The newly established method is expected to be applied to the forepart diagnosing and preliminary study on pathological mechanism of severe human diseases such as Parkinson's diseases. The accomplishment of the project objective will afford a reliable method for the analysis of hydrogen peroxide in living systems, and an effective tool to realize the chemistry essence and basic processes of organism at the sub-cellular and molecular level.
英文关键词: fluorescent probe;capillary electrophoresis;high performance liquid chromatography;fluorescence imaging;hydrogen peroxide