项目名称: 数控机床复杂工况下多层次多自由度静动态载荷谱关键技术研究
项目编号: No.51505186
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 陈传海
作者单位: 吉林大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 载荷谱编制理论是数控机床行业中亟待解决的基础共性问题,也是可靠性设计和试验的先决条件。目前数控机床整机载荷谱未考虑载荷的动态特性,而且也难以满足各关键功能部件设计和试验的要求。本项目从一个全新的角度提出多层次多自由度的静动态载荷测试及编制方法:采用力学理论、试验优化设计与虚拟仿真相结合的方法,建立各关键功能部件间的载荷传递模型,攻克复杂工况下载荷随机性和不确定性的难题;引入小波分形技术,将强干扰环境下的载荷测试信号用关联维数描述其在不同尺度和频带内的复杂性与不规则性,实现载荷信号的分离与提取,为静动态载荷耦合特性分析开辟新途径;结合动态自适应优化算法与贝叶斯理论,研究极值载荷与各因素的映射关系,实现极值载荷的准确度量;为消除人为主观因素影响,综合考虑多种误差因素,用数据包络分析确定各误差因素的权重排序指标,实现载荷谱的智能选择。对于关键功能部件的可靠性设计和试验,具有重要的实际应用价值。
中文关键词: 数控机床;载荷谱;动态载荷;小波分形;数据包络分析
英文摘要: The theory of formulating the load spectrum is a basic generality problem urgently to be solved in the industry of NC machine tools. The traditional static load spectrum cannot describe the property of the NC machine tools' dynamic load. From a complete new perspective, this project proposes a method for testing and formulating the static and dynamic loads spectrum on multi-level and with multi-degree-of-freedom: the load model of each key functional component is built by the method of combining the theories, tests and simulations. By the optimum method for test designing, the load measurement test is implemented which solved the lack of representativeness; the simulation method is used to verify the load model, obtaining the transmission laws of the load and overcome the problem of randomness and uncertainty of the load under different working conditions. The wavelet fractal technique is brought in, and by correlation dimension, the complexity and irregularity of the testing signal are described under different scales and frequency bands, realizing the signal separation and extraction, opening up a new method of analyzing the coupling property of the static-dynamic loads. The combination of the adaptive optimization algorithm and the Bayes theory is used to study the mapping relations of factors influencing extreme loads, realizing the accurate measurement of the extreme loads; by considering multi-factors impacting the errors comprehensively, the data envelopment analysis is used to determine the weight of each error-influencing factor to eliminate the subjective influences, thus providing the theoretical foundations for the reliability's probability design and test of the NC machine tools, which has great practical application significance.
英文关键词: machine tools;load spectrum;dynamic loads;wavelet analysis;data envelopment analysis