项目名称: 分布式系统预测控制的协调策略与系统综合
项目编号: No.61304078
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 郑毅
作者单位: 上海交通大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 随着工业技术的发展和现场总线技术的成熟,工业系统控制方式已由集中式向分布式转变。系统信息结构和控制方式都发生了改变,各局部控制器可以实现子系统的控制,但如何实现全局系统的最优控制仍是主要问题。在分布式结构下,对信息的利用由全局变为非全局,因而,通过有效的协调策略提高系统的全局性能是解决上述问题的主要途径。本课题针对这个问题深入分析分布式系统控制结构与闭环系统性能之间的内在联系和本质规律,并提出最优控制结构的设计方法;设计非全局信息模式下分布式预测控制器的协调策略,使得在同等控制结构下,与现有方法相比系统全局性能得到改善;分析本课题提出的分布式预测控制的稳定性和全局最优性,并给出性能指标及保稳定性控制器的设计方法。形成设计非全局信息模式下协调预测控制的系统理论和方法,将分布式预测控制理论向更深的层面推进。同时,本课题的研究内容面向工业过程控制的实际需要,具有很强的应用价值。
中文关键词: 分布式预测控制;预测控制;协调策略;性能分析;稳定性
英文摘要: With the development of industrial technologies and the field-bus technologies, the centralized control has been gradually substituted by the distributed control in many industrial fields. The informatiaon structure and the control mode changed, each subsystem can be well controlled by corresponding subsystem-based controller, but how to realize the optimal control of entire system is still an important problem to be solved. In distributed control framwork, each controller calculates its control law according to non-globle information, to design a effective coordination strategy which could improve the performance of whole system is an important way to deal with the problem mentioned obove. In this project, the control structure, coordination strategy and the performance of distributed Model Predictive Control will be studied, and it includes: to analyze the relationship between the control structure and the closed-loop system's performance under the control of distributed controllers; to design a strategy for coordinating distributed Model Predictive Control, comparing to the existing methods, which can be able to achieve better global performance of closed-loop system with the same control structure and available information; to analyze the stability and optimality of closed-loop system under the control of p
英文关键词: distributed model predictive control;model predictive control;coordiation strategy;performance analysis;stability