项目名称: 海马记忆获取及早期巩固机制的环路层次研究
项目编号: No.31471078
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 神经、认识与心理学
项目作者: 王智如
作者单位: 华东师范大学
项目金额: 85万元
中文摘要: 海马是记忆在线获取、早期存储及巩固的关键脑区。在分子及细胞水平,对海马记忆的神经机制进行了大量的研究,代表性发现为突触可塑性的诱导及表达机制。然而,在神经环路水平,对记忆在海马神经元的分布、存储所依赖的可塑性机制尚不明了;目前还不清楚在记忆发生的不同时间段、在海马环路的哪些特定神经元、发生了何种特异性的细胞及突触修饰。本项目拟主要应用在体、离体膜片钳记录手段、结合动物行为学和分子生物学方法,基于神经环路水平研究:联合型记忆在海马CA1神经元获取及分布的神经机制;与记忆存储相关CA1神经元所发生的可塑性修饰及受修饰的树突位置;海马CA1对早期记忆巩固的主动作用及可能的机制。项目研究宗旨在于促进对海马记忆机制及记忆功能障碍的全面理解。
中文关键词: 海马;学习记忆;沉默型突触;突触可塑性;感觉信息处理
英文摘要: The hippocampus is a critical brain region for memory acquisition, initial storage, and the subsequent process of memory consolidation. The neural mechanism for hippocampus-dependent memory function has been heavily studies with respect to the molecular and cellular substrates. However, as a neural circuit mechanism, the distribution of memory representation and the corresponding neural plasticity in relevant neurons remain largely unknown. An open question is what kind of neuronal plasticity is induced in a specific subset of hippocampal neurons during difference phases of memory storage. We propose to employ in vivo and in vitro patch-clamp recordings, along with behavioral and molecular approaches, to address these circuit-level questions. The following studies will be included: the neural mechanism underlying hippocampal memory acquisition and distribution in CA1 pyramidal cells; neuronal plasticity induced in the CA1 pyramidal cell that is involved in memory representation and the specific dendritic location of this plasticity; the contribution of hippocampal CA1 to the consolidation of initial memory consolidation and the underlying mechanism. The aim of this work is to further clarify the hippocampal mechanism of learning and memory as well as related memory deficits.
英文关键词: Hippocampus;Learning and memory;Silent synapse;Synaptic plasticity;Sensory information processing