项目名称: 泵自吸过程气液两相流动特性及自吸机理的研究
项目编号: No.51279068
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 水利工程
项目作者: 李红
作者单位: 江苏大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 自吸泵广泛应用于移动排灌、启动频繁和灌液困难等场合。由于自吸过程中气液两相流动非常复杂,自吸机理尚未掌握,已成为制约泵自吸技术发展的瓶颈。 项目将针对自吸过程气液两相瞬变流动开展研究。建立泵自吸过程气液两相流动特性与自吸性能外特性协同测试系统,研究泵内气液吸入、气液混合、气液分离、气体排出和液体回流的详细流动过程;结合气液两相流动瞬态测试数据,采用多相流欧拉分析方法结合滑移网格技术,对泵自吸过程开展非定常瞬态模拟研究,建立合适的数学模型与计算方法,首次实现泵自吸过程气液两相流动的三维数值计算。通过研究自吸关键监测点的流动状态,建立泵内部流动特性和自吸外特性之间的内在联系,研究泵水力结构、运行参数等对自吸流动过程的影响。 本项目旨在揭示自吸过程中气液两相流动规律,掌握自吸机理,预测自吸性能,建立自吸泵原理性水力设计方法,为开发新型高性能自吸泵提供理论依据。
中文关键词: 泵;自吸过程;气液两相流;流动特性;自吸机理
英文摘要: Self-priming pumps are applied widely in many situations, such as movable irrigation, frequently starting, difficultly filling water. Since the gas-liquid flow in the self-priming process in the pumps is too complicated to grasp the self-priming mechanism by now, the lack of the self-priming mechanism has become a bottleneck of the futher development of self-priming pumps. The project will focus on the transient gas-liquid two-phase flow during the self-priming. The experimental system will be built to test the inner flow characteristics and outer self-priming performance of the pump. The dynamic flow processes will be researched in details, such as gas-liquid suction, gas-liquid mixture, gas-liquid separation, gas exhaustion and liquid return. Combined with the experimental transient results, the flow field will be simulated transiently applying multi-phase Euler models jointed with slipping grid technology. The mathematical models and calculation methods of the flow inside the pump will be built, and the 3-demensional numerical simulation to describe the flow inside the pump during the self-priming will be realized at first home and abroad. The inner flow characteristics are linked with the outer self-priming performances by the research on the states of the key monitoring points. The influences on the self-pr
英文关键词: pump;self-priming process;gas-liquid two-phase flow;flow characteristics;self-priming mechanism