项目名称: 高梯度表面微带真空绝缘体闪络机理与制备技术研究
项目编号: No.51277168
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 王勐
作者单位: 中国工程物理研究院流体物理研究所
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 本项目从脉冲条件下真空沿面闪络发生和发展的物理机理研究出发,基于对高梯度绝缘体(High Gradient Insulator, HGI)基础理论、优点及局限性的深入认识,原创性提出了表面微带绝缘体(Surface Micro-Strip Insulator, SMSI)的概念,拟深入开展SMSI物理模型、理论及数值模拟方法、材料及制备工艺等方面的研究,掌握影响表面微带绝缘体在脉冲条件下真空沿面闪络性能的关键因素及其规律,建立相应的物理及数学模型,掌握材料、结构设计及优化方法,研制出高梯度SMSI原理性样件。本项目将通过SMSI不同制作工艺的探索,进一步拓宽材料使用范围,降低制作工艺难度,并通过实验验证SMSI的沿面闪络耐压强度,为新型高梯度绝缘结构研究提供理论和实验基础,有望寻找到易于工程实现和推广应用的有效方法,为不同典型场合的实际应用奠定基础。
中文关键词: 表面微带绝缘体;电场分布;粒子模拟;真空耐压性能;
英文摘要: The project develop a new concept of surface micro-strip insulator(SMSI) based on the insulator surface flashover mechanism in vacuum with pulsed voltage and the high gradient insulator(HGI)theory, advantages and limitations. The project will carry out investigations of SMSI physical model, basic theory, simulation method, material and preparation process, summarize the law of SMSI surface flashover performance with pulsed voltage in vacuum and point out the key factors, establish the SMSI physic model and sum up the optimization of the material and structure, then make the SMSI sample. The project would expand the range of insulator material selection, reduce the preparation process difficulty through explore the different SMSI preparation process, provide the new HGI structure theoretical and experimental basis by the SMSI surface flashover experiment, look for effective method to engineering application and settle the foundation for application with different actual structures.
英文关键词: surfae mcrio-strip insulator;electric field distribution;partical simulation;vacuum flashover characteristics;