项目名称: 微小型水下机器人冗余惯性导航系统优化设计及故障检测方法
项目编号: No.51309059
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 水利工程
项目作者: 何昆鹏
作者单位: 哈尔滨工程大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 为提高微小型AUV惯性导航的精度和可靠性,开展MEMS冗余惯性系统优化设计及故障检测方法研究.1)根据AUV应用特性,设计了一种新颖的斜交冗余配置方案,尝试用试验的手段,建立一套适用于MEMS冗余惯性系统的性能评估方法,为冗余方案优化选择提供理论依据.2)将支持向量机(SVM)引入冗余系统在线故障检测中,提高故障诊断率和降低虚警率,突破传统方法只能对固定数量陀螺发生特定类型故障诊断的局限性.3)对故障后的系统重构采用粗糙集理论(RS)和人工鱼群算法(AFSA)结合的方法,在AFSA寻优搜索中,用RS来选择合理的特征集,减小输入特征量的维数,从而降低工作模式的规模和复杂程度,克服AFSA寻优后期收敛速度慢,易陷入局部最优的缺点,实现重构工作无缝衔接,降低故障对导航实时性的影响.课题研究对MEMS惯性导航技术在AUV上的实际应用具有重要的价值,对其它陀螺类型的冗余惯性系统中也有一定的借鉴意义.
中文关键词: 水下机器人;MEMS;冗余惯性系统;故障检测;
英文摘要: Inertial navigation plays an important role in the field of autonomous underwater vehicle. However, comparing with conventional inertial sensors, the measurement accuracy of MEMS inertial sensors is so poor. but it is very small, micropower consumption and cheap.Therefore, the technique of fault-tolerance with redundant sensors can be adopted to improve its measurement accuracy and reliability, and to improve the performance of Micro inertial measurement system with navigation, positioning and control information. According to the characteristics of AUV, we put the emphasis on the issues of redundant configuration, on-line fault diagnosis. 1) The technique of redundant configuration is brought into the MEMS gyroscope measurement unit. In the view of measurement accuracy and reliability, a new configuration with nine MEMS gyroscopes is proposed. Then its accuracy, reliability, and performance of reconstruction after failure are analyzed theoretically.2)For the on-line fault diagnosis method of redundant gyroscopes, the performance of widely used method, optimal parity test (OPT), is analyzed by both theoretical and experimental aspects. Taking the limitation of the OPT into consideration, the support vector machine (SVM) is brought forward to the diagnosis method. Firstly, the effect of the SVM kernel function an
英文关键词: Underwater robot;MEMS;Redundant inertial system;Fault detection;