项目名称: 利用武汉野田村病毒衣壳蛋白展示登革病毒保护性抗原的研究
项目编号: No.81201292
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 医学四处
项目作者: 周溪
作者单位: 武汉大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 本申请项目希望建立一种以武汉野田村病毒(WhNV)衣壳蛋白为依托的新型异源多肽与蛋白展示系统,并以此展示登革病毒(DENV)表面保护性抗原EDIII。我们将通过生物信息学手段,分析模拟WhNV衣壳蛋白三维结构,对其潜在可插入位点进行初步分析,并在此基础上利用插入增强型绿色荧光蛋白EGFP初步筛选出数个可使插入蛋白展示其自然构象的位点。以此筛选为基础,构建融合四种血清型DENV EDIII的WhNV重组VLP库,筛选出具有正确空间构象并具有高免疫活性的VLP。本项目的成功进行将为新型高效登革疫苗的研发打下基础,同时建立稳定高效的WhNV异源多肽与蛋白展示系统将极大推动对其他新型疫苗及解毒剂的研发,具有相当的应用前景,极大推动生物医学的发展。在基础研究方面,本项目也将对研究WhNV衣壳蛋白的结构及功能提供大量信息,为我们深入研究WhNV及其它正义RNA无囊膜病毒入侵宿主细胞的机制打下基础。
中文关键词: 野田村病毒;表面展示系统;异源多肽;重组病毒;疫苗
英文摘要: Due to the unique capsid structure of nodaviruses, the nodaviral capsid protein is long believed to be an ideal foreign protein/peptide presentation system. Wuhan nodavirus (WhNV) is the first identified nodavirus in China by our group, and this virus was characterized and studied in considerable details by us. In this project, we aim to establish a novel WhNV-based surface presentation system, and further display the Dengue virus (DENV) surface protective antigen Protein E Domain III (EDIII). For this purpose, the potential insertion sites within WhNV capsid protein will be identified through bioinformatically analyzing the three-dimensional structure of WhNV capsid. After that, the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) will be inserted into these potential sites in order to screen the sites that can both maintain the native conformation of the inserted foreign proteins and the capability of WhNV capsid to assemble virus-like particles (VLPs). Using the information obtained from the EGFP screening, the WhNV recombinant VLP library expressing four serotypes of DENV EDIII will be constructed, following by the screening with the correct spatial conformation and an effective immune activity of these antigens. The successful accomplishment of this project will lay the foundation for developing a novel effective
英文关键词: Wuhan nodavirus;capsid presentation system;Dengue virus;Protective antigen;Protein E Domain III