项目名称: 微咸水间歇灌溉土壤水盐调控机理与水盐耦合灌水模型研究
项目编号: No.51209131
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 水利科学与海洋工程学科
项目作者: 毕远杰
作者单位: 山西省水利水电科学研究院
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 淡水资源匮乏是世界性的问题,对农业生产和生态环境均构成了严重的威胁,国内外大量研究和实践证明科学合理的开发利用微咸水资源,对于缓解淡水资源短缺有着极其重要的作用。鉴于间歇灌溉条件下,灌水均匀度较高,考虑到微咸水灌溉的特殊性与复杂性,研究微咸水间歇灌溉对土壤水盐的调控机理,发展微咸水间歇灌溉,是微咸水广泛分布地区能够安全而高效的利用微咸水进行灌溉的必要途径。本项目拟采用理论分析、试验研究与数值模拟相结合的方法,进行微咸水间歇入渗特性及土壤水盐分布特征研究,揭示微咸水间歇入渗的入渗机理,并建立微咸水间歇入渗数学模型;在田间进行微咸水间歇灌溉试验研究,探明微咸水间歇灌溉条件下地面水流运动特性及土壤水盐分布特征,建立描述微咸水间歇灌溉过程中地面水流运动与土壤水盐运移耦合的微咸水间歇灌溉灌水模型,提出微咸水间歇灌溉的合理的灌水技术参数。研究成果将为微咸水间歇灌溉的应用和推广提供理论依据和技术支持。
中文关键词: 微咸水;间歇灌溉;水盐调控;水盐耦合;数值模型
英文摘要: Water resources Scarcity is a worldwide problem and poses a serious threat to agricultural production and ecological environment. Extensive research and practice prove that the scientific and rational development and utilization of saline water has an extremely important role to alleviate the shortage of freshwater resources and expand agricultural water. Irrigation uniformity of intermittent irrigation is higher than common surface irrigation. Taking into account the particularity and complexity of saline water irrigation, development of saline water intermittent irrigation is necessary to provide a safe and efficient use of saline water for irrigation. Through analyzing saline water intermittent infiltration characteristics and distribution characteristics of soil water and salt, infiltration mechanism of saline water intermittent infiltration can be proved up, saline water intermittent infiltration model can be established. This study illustrates the ground water movement characteristics and water and salt distribution characteristics on the conditions of saline water intermittent irrigation, establishes salt-water coupled model of saline water intermittent irrigation, propose rational irrigation technical parameters of salt water intermittent irrigation, and provide for theoretical basis and technical suppor
英文关键词: Saline water;Intermittent irrigation;Salt and water regulation;Salt-water coupled;Numerical simulation