项目名称: 西南山区河道型水库藻类水华的水动力学阈值研究
项目编号: No.51309170
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 水利工程
项目作者: 张陵蕾
作者单位: 四川大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 富营养化是世界关注的重大水环境问题。近年来西南山区河道型水库水华暴发的报道日趋频繁,水动力过程的改变作为其重要影响因素,相关研究尚处于起步阶段。本项目采用室内试验、原型观测与数值模拟相结合的方法,针对西南山区河道型水库水华优势藻类,系统开展其优势流场、流态研究。通过在室内将光照、温度、营养盐等控制于藻类生长最适水平,监测不同流速、紊动强度下的藻类生消过程,建立藻类生物学指标与水动力学表征指标之间的关系模型;选择典型水库开展藻类时空分布与水动力条件的多点监测,对藻类生消的水动力学规律予以补充、验证;在立面二维水力学、水温、水质模型的基础上,引入水动力影响下的藻类生长模型,开发适宜于河道型水库的二维非稳态生态动力学模型,并用实验成果与原观数据进行参数率定、优化与校验;最终建立水库藻华的水动力学阈值体系。本研究对于评价、预测、预警和防控水华,丰富和发展富营养化理论,具有重要的科学意义和应用价值。
中文关键词: 富营养化;水华;水动力学;阈值;河道型水库
英文摘要: Eutrophication is a vital water environment issue drawing intentness world-wide. In recent years, outbreak of algae bloom has been reportedly more frequent in the channel-type reservoirs in mountainous Southwest. Research on hydrodynamics, the influential factor, is still at its initial stage. By the methodology of combination of laboratory experiment, site investigation and numerical simulation, the study is focusing on the dominating types of algae in the channel-type reservoirs in mountainous Southwest and lays systematic research upon their corresponding flow field and state. In the laboratory, the sunlight, temperature and substance are set to the optimal levels for algae growing. Afterwards, the courses of growing and decaying of the algae are closely monitored under circumstances of different fluid speed and turbulence. Through the foresaid, a model is established with the relationship between algae biological indicators and hydraulics indicators. Through monitoring time and spatial distributions of algae presence in typical lakes under different hydrodynamics conditions, the principle of influence of hydrodynamics over outbreak and decay of algae is then supplemented and tested. On the basis of the hydro-model of vertical bi-dimensional hydraulics, water temperature and quality, the module of algae growt
英文关键词: Eutrophication;Algal Bloom;Hydrodynamics;Threshold value (critical value);Channel-type Reservoirs