项目名称: WSSV粘附蛋白与宿主细胞相互作用的原子力成像证据
项目编号: No.31302233
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 李晨
作者单位: 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 白斑综合征病毒(white spot syndrome virus,WSSV)粘附蛋白与宿主细胞膜受体的特异性结合是介导病毒侵入宿主细胞的前提,该结合作用引发了病毒对宿主细胞的后续感染过程。本项目拟建立原子力显微镜纳米探针镜上目的蛋白修饰技术,用修饰的纳米探针与活细胞膜表面进行MAC模式的扫描以观察病毒粘附蛋白受体在宿主细胞膜上的高清晰度分布情况,证实WSSV主要粘附蛋白与宿主细胞相应蛋白的相互作用,优化蛋白与细胞相互作用的原子力显微成像技术方案。该项目的研究为WSSV的细胞受体的确认及其精细结构的深入研究提供有力证据,同时为生物大分子相互作用的原子力显微成像技术平台的建立提供重要的科学实例。
中文关键词: 病毒粘附蛋白;WSSV;相互作用;激光共聚焦显微镜;原子力显微镜
英文摘要: The specific binding between viral attachment proteins (VAPs) of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and their cellular receptors on the host cells is the premise to mediate virus into host cells which triggers subsequent courses of viral infection. This project will attempt to establish the on microscope technology of protein modification of the nano-probe of atomic force microscope (AFM), observe the distribution of the cellular receptors on the host cells with high resolution imaged by scanning under the MAC mode with the modified nano-probe, confirm the interaction between VAPs of WSSV and the host cells, and optimize the technical protocols for ATM imaging of the interaction between protein and cells. The study of this project will provide strong evidences for confirmation of WSSV cellular receptor and the further study on its fine structure, as well as provide important scientific instance for establishment of platform of AFM imaging to research interaction between biological macromolecules.
英文关键词: Viral attachment protein;WSSV;interaction;LSCM;AFM