项目名称: 利用基因诊断技术精准量化马铃薯对氮素的需求
项目编号: No.31301844
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 罗赛男
作者单位: 湖南省农业科学院
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 马铃薯是世界第四大粮食作物,对国民经济和粮食安全具有重要意义。但由于对经济利益的盲目追求,化肥施用量越来越大。过多的氮肥施用只会使马铃薯薯块品质下降,比重降低,造成成本和效益的失衡,并且流失的氮素将会造成土壤和地下水污染。合理施用氮肥是农业可持续发展的重中之重。本项目的主要目标是,通过检测氮素响应基因表达量的变化,实时诊断植物的氮素需求情况,平衡施用量和需求量之间的关系。主要研究内容是,在6个氮素水平处理下,测定氮素相关基因在开花期,薯块形成期和薯块膨大期基因表达量,并结合施肥量、产量、叶柄硝酸盐含量、SPAD-reading等指标进行SPSS统计分析,筛选出与马铃薯产量和氮肥施用量极显著相关基因。最后通过量化基因表达变化情况,建立基因表达数字化与产量和马铃薯的氮素需求量之间的关系,对植物的需肥量进行量化,建立利用基因诊断技术精准量化南方冬闲田马铃薯氮素需求量体系。
中文关键词: 马铃薯;氮素;产量;基因表达;铵态氮转移酶基因
英文摘要: Potato is the world's fourth largest crop and plays a very important role in the national economy and food security system. Due to maximize the economic interests, farmers put more and more nitrogen in order to get more out put. But too much nitrogen will decline the potato quality, reduce the specific gravity, and cause the unbalance of costs and benefits. Moreover the leach nitrogen will pollute the soil and groundwater. Precise N-fertilization is the way to put forward the sustainable development of agriculture. The goal of this project is to quantify plant nitrogen demand by using gene expression. Balance the crop demand and soil supply. This study include 6 different N treatments, two varieties, 3 stages including flowering, potato initiation and bulking, 36 genes expression including 32 N-transporter, synthesize and metabolism genes and 4 house-keeping genes. Those genes expression response to N-fertilization will analysis with the petiole nitrate concentration, SPAD-502 reading, the whole plant N/C concentration and the yield by SPSS. The gene which show the high signification with the yield and amount of N-fertilize, will chose to be the candidate gene to diagnosis the potato nitrogen demands. This gene expression profiles may quantified potato nitrogen demands in Hunan paddy soil in winter.
英文关键词: Potato;Nitrogen;Yield;Gene expression;AT gene