项目名称: 基于知识与数据的自组织二型模糊神经网络设计及控制研究
项目编号: No.61473176
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 李成栋
作者单位: 山东建筑大学
项目金额: 83万元
中文摘要: 数据驱动方法是解决复杂生产过程、设备等研究对象建模与控制问题的有力工具。为处理数据驱动建模与控制时面临的各类不确定性、改善建模精度与控制效果,本项目将充分利用各种知识,同时发挥二型模糊神经网络在处理强不确定性、自学习等方面的优势,展开基于知识与数据的自组织二型模糊神经网络设计及控制研究。具体研究内容为:1)在统一框架下探讨各类知识在二型模糊神经网络中的嵌入问题,2)研究知识与数据混合驱动下的自组织二型模糊神经网络设计方法,给出结构自组织与参数自学习算法,并证明其收敛性,3)研究基于知识驱动自组织二型模糊神经网络的自适应控制方法,给出控制律及参数自适应律的设计及系统的稳定性证明,4)实现二型模糊神经自适应控制方法在暖通空调系统温湿度控制中的仿真验证及实际应用,并与其他方法比较。本项目在理论上能够为数据驱动、二型模糊等方向的研究提供新的思路,在应用方面能够为实际问题的建模与控制提供新的工具。
中文关键词: 数据驱动;二型模糊;模糊神经网络;计算智能;暖通空调系统
英文摘要: Data driven method is a powerful tool for the modeling and control of the complex plants, such as the complex production process and the equipments. In order to handle different sources of uncertainties in data and to improve the modeling precision and control performance, this project will study the knowledge and data based design and control methods of self-organizing type-2 fuzzy neural networks (T2FNNs) through utilizing multiple kinds of knowledge and making full use of the merits of T2FNN on dealing with uncertainties, debilitating noisy disturbance and learning ability. In detail, the main contributions of this project are listed as follows: 1) How to encode different kinds of knowledge into T2 FNN will be studied under the same framework, 2) Knowledge and data driven design methods of self-organizing T2FNNs will be developed. The structure self-organization algorithms and parameter learning algorithms will be presented, and the convergence of such algorithms will be proved, 3)The adaptive control method will be developed based on the knowledge driven self-organizing T2 FNN. The control law and the adaptive laws of parameters will be derived, and the stability of the closed-loop control system will be proved, 4)The T2FNN based adaptive control method will be applied to the temperature and humidity control of the HVAC system. Simulations and real applications will be given, and comparisons with other control methods will be made. Theoretically, the results in this project will provide novel directions for the research domain of data driven method and type-2 fuzzy method. And, in the aspect of the real-world applications, our results will provide a new tool for the modeling and control problems.
英文关键词: Data Driven;Type-2 Fuzzy;Fuzzy Neural Network;Computational Intelligence;HVAC System