项目名称: 森林斑块面积变化对生态系统碳密度的影响及其机制研究
项目编号: No.41501568
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 地质学
项目作者: 马磊
作者单位: 河南大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 本项目以广州市的风水林斑块为研究对象,选择不同面积风水林斑块的典型样地,分别测定风水林斑块植被和土壤碳密度,研究不同面积风水林斑块生态系统(植被和土壤)碳密度及其与斑块面积变化的关系。与此同时,选择若干面积较大的风水林斑块,分别研究从林外到林内风水林土壤的碳密度和从林缘到林内风水林植被的碳密度,探讨风水林植被和土壤碳密度的梯度变化以及边缘效应对森林斑块碳密度的影响范围和程度。在此基础上,通过对风水林斑块林缘和林内群落特征(群落结构与物种组成)的研究,探讨边缘效应对森林植被碳密度的影响机制;通过对风水林斑块林缘和林内植被生物量和土壤碳密度的关系分析,及土壤碳密度和细根生物量的研究,探讨边缘效应对森林土壤碳密度的影响机制。该研究可丰富景观斑块的理论,促进对森林斑块碳密度影响机制的了解,有利于森林的保护和建设。
中文关键词: 森林生态系统;斑块面积;边缘效应;碳密度
英文摘要: There has been rich Fengshui Woods in Guangzhou city. This project was conducted to research the effects and mechanism of patch size changes on carbon density of Guangzhou Fengshui Woods. First, in order to study the relationship between Fengshui Woods ecosystem carbon density and patch size, we measure forest vegetation and soil carbon density respectively based on different forest patches with different size. At the same time, we discuss the impacts of edge effect on carbon density according to the study of gradient variation of carbon density from the outside to inner in large patch of Fengshui Woods. In addition, forest community characteristics (community structure and species composition) were measured in every forest patches. This will indicate the mechanism of impacts of edge effect on forest vegetation carbon density. Finally, we study the relationship between biomass and soil carbon density in and outside forest, study the relationship between soil carbon density and fine root biomass, and explore the mechanism of impacts of edge effect on forest soil carbon density. This study will enrich the theory of landscape patches, promote the understanding of determinants of forest carbon density in forest patches, and will conductive to the protection and construction of forest.
英文关键词: forest ecosystem;patch size;edge effect;carbon density