项目名称: 自然语言模糊语义形式化表达、定量分析与应用研究
项目编号: No.61201352
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电子学与信息系统
项目作者: 史树敏
作者单位: 北京理工大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 模糊性是自然语言的特征之一,而语言理解的模糊本质是以语义为基础的。作为自然语言深层知识获取与抽象的核心,模糊语义的理论研究和数学描述是一项值得我们深入探讨和解决的关键科学问题。本项目着眼于汉语模糊语义形式化表达与定量分析,基于fuzzy logic从理论探索、方法改进和应用支持三个层面开展研究。具体包括:语义模糊性与多义性、歧义性,及概括性的厘清与界定;传统模糊语义定量研究方法改进与模糊限制成分量化分析;特定问题域下自然语言模糊语义的形式化表达与数学抽象;新型社会媒体(微博)语言环境下,网络短文本模糊语义的形式化描述与语言工程应用探索。语义模糊性是人工智能、认知科学、计算语言学等诸多学科交叉融合的"轴心",作为本项目研究成果的方法和解决方案将扩展汉语模糊语义学和逻辑语义学的经典框架,充实自然语言理解领域的理论内容,并推动其在上述学科领域的智能应用,具有很高的学术价值和现实意义。
中文关键词: 自然语言处理;模糊语义;量化分析;双语最大名词短语识别;藏语组块
英文摘要: Fuzziness is an attribute of natural language, while the essential of fuzziness on Natural Language Understanding (NLU) is based on semantics. As the kernel of acquirement and abstraction for deep knowledge,both academic exploration and mathematical description of fuzzy semantics are scientific researches to be undertaken that are worthy of our discussing in-depth. This project focused on the formalization and quantitative analysis of fuzzy semantics in Chinese, furthermore, prepared to carry out the following specific works based on fuzzy logic from three levels mainly, that is, in theoretical, technical and applied perspective: i.To distinguish and clarify the differences among fuzziness, polysemy, ambiguity and generality, ii.To improve the existing traditional quantitative methods for semantic fuzziness and study the quantitative analysis of linguistic hedges in Chinese, iii.In a particular problem domain, namely Computing With Words or Computation with Natural Language problems (CWW or CNL-problems), To formalize the semantic fuzziness and achieve its mathematical abstraction, iv. To explore a viable application mode in order to support formalize the fuzzy semantics in short texts (eg. microblog) which have emerged as a new social media. No doubt that semantic fuzziness plays a pivotal role in many discipli
英文关键词: Natural Language Processing;Fuzzy semantic;quantitative analysis;Bilingual Maximal-length Noun Phrase;Tibetan functional chunk