项目名称: 基于蛋白规整组装结构的高效能量传递体系的构筑及其对细胞内活性小分子的传感检测
项目编号: No.21304103
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 吴曼
作者单位: 中国科学院理化技术研究所
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 为了改善现有荧光生物传感器的检测灵敏度和穿膜性能等,本项目拟制备基于蛋白规整组装结构的高效能量传递体系,以用于活细胞内低浓度金属离子传感检测。利用植物蛋白组装体结构有序可控的特点,对蛋白传感单元进行可控组装,获得染料分子间距离可控的能量传递体系,从而实现对传感信号的放大。在提高体系检测灵敏度的同时提高其生物相容性。研究染料分子间距和体系能量传递效率的相互关系,研究蛋白组装体尺寸和表面性质对体系稳定性、穿膜性能、细胞内迁移以及代谢途径的影响。实现对细胞内活性小分子原位、实时和动态的准确定量和空间分布的高灵敏检测。
中文关键词: 能量传递体系;细胞内活性小分子;生物传感器;组装体;
英文摘要: Detection of low concentration metal ions in living cells requires the fluorescent biosensor possessing high sensitivity, good cell membrane penetrability, etc. In this context, a highly efficient energy transfer system (ETS) will be prepared by combining protein assembly and molecular sensor. Grafted with a molecular sensor, plant proteins self-assemble into a regular structure, whereby the distance between the dye molecules is controllable. A suitable distance between dye molecule can provide an ETS with high efficiency. The relationship of the dye molecule distance and energy transfer efficiency will be studied. The influence of the size and surface properties of protein assembly will be also envisaged on penetrability, intracellular stability, migration and metabolic pathways of ETS. The obtainment of the high sensitivity ETS using for the detection of active molecule could be able to achieve the in-situ, real-time detection and dynamic quantification and distribution in living cells.
英文关键词: energy transfer system;intracellular active molecule;biosensor;self-assembly;