项目名称: 基于Monte Carlo方法的PM2.5在声场中的动态过程及高效凝并研究
项目编号: No.51206113
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 工程热物理与能源利用学科
项目作者: 凡凤仙
作者单位: 上海理工大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 悬浮在空气中的PM2.5对环境和人体健康危害严重。由于PM2.5粒径微小,现有除尘装置难以经济、高效地将其清除,使得PM2.5的排放控制成为世界难题。利用外加声场对PM2.5产生作用,促使其发生相对运动、碰撞接触,进而凝并为粒径较大的颗粒,以便于常规除尘器将其清除,是控制PM2.5排放的重要技术途径。然而,由于PM2.5在声场中的动态过程尚未被充分认识,PM2.5的高效凝并方法仍未形成,使得声凝并仍处于基础性和探索性研究阶段,严重阻碍着PM2.5排放控制技术的发展。数值模拟是揭示微尺度体系和复杂过程的内在机理和动态规律的有效途径。本项目将构建PM2.5在声场中的动力学模型,探索PM2.5在声场中的运动特性和相互作用机理;基于Monte Carlo方法可视化模拟PM2.5在声场中凝并的动态过程;寻求促进PM2.5高效凝并的方法,以期为PM2.5的低成本、高效脱除提供理论基础和方法指导。
中文关键词: PM2.5;声场;动态过程;凝并;Monte Carlo方法
英文摘要: PM2.5 (Fine particles)suspended in the atmosphere do great harm to environment and human health. Because of their fine sizes, it is difficult for the present dust removal devices to capture them from the gas stream economically and effectively.Therefore PM2.5 emission control has become a tough problem to solve around globe. Acoustic field can be used to promote relative motion, collision and finally agglomeration of PM2.5, leading the fine particles to shift to larger ones. The larger particles after agglomeration can then be removed by the tranditional dust removal devices.Acousic agglomeration is a significant technical route to control the emission of PM2.5. However, because the dynamic process of PM2.5 subjected to an acoustic field is not yet fully understood, and because the effective agglomeration method is not yet developed, the acoustic agglomeration of PM2.5 is still in the range of fundamental research. This has been a big obstacle to development of practical PM2.5 removal technology. Numerical simulation is an effective way to explore the underlying mechanisms and dynamic disciplines in studing the micro-scale systems and complex processes. This project is to establish the PM2.5 dynamic model in the acoustic field, to investigate the motion of PM2.5 and the interaction mechanisms between the partic
英文关键词: PM2.5;acoustic field;dynamic process;agglomeration;Monte Carlo method