项目名称: 利用无线射频技术对未携带设备物体进行定位的研究与实现
项目编号: No.61202377
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 计算机科学学科
项目作者: 张滇
作者单位: 深圳大学
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 未携带设备物体的定位是指需要找出位置的物体本身不会携带任何无线射频收发装置,是一项具备巨大商业价值和社会意义的前沿科技。传统的基于无线射频技术的物体定位皆需要被定位物体携带无线收发装置来协助追踪(如GPS等),极大限制了实际中的应用(如防盗、安全监控系统等)。而现存的未携带设备物体定位,例如视频,红外,激光等技术都有其自身的限制条件,出于成本等诸多考虑很难大规模投入到实际应用中尤其是室内环境中。该研究计划在无线网络中(如802.11、zigbee)利用未携带设备物体对无线信号的干扰来进行定位追踪,深入研究探索未携带设备物体对无线信号的干扰理论模型,定位方法,覆盖理论模型,精确性,可扩展性,延迟性,通用性等关键科学问题。从而提供一个低成本,高效率,隐蔽的非介入式的物体定位追踪服务。团队目标在国外发表高质量期刊会议论文8-10篇,申请专利1-2项,保持本团队在该研究方向上已有的国际领先影响力。
中文关键词: 定位;无线射频技术;未携带设备物体;;
英文摘要: Transceiver-free object localization is to localize object without carrying any device, which is a promising cutting-edge technology in the world.In traditional radio-based localization methods, the target object has to carry a transmitter (e.g., active RFID), a receiver (e.g., 802.11x detector), or a transceiver (e.g., sensor node). However, such requirement can not be satisfied in some applications,such as safe guard systems. Other non-radio based technologies to localize transceiver-free object all have limitations in application.For example, video can not work in dark area and has privacy problem. Laser technology is accurate but with very high cost.In this proposal, we leverage the interference of the target transceiver-free object to the wireless signals to localize transceiver-free objects. To achieve this goal, we will accomplish four critical tasks in this research project. We first investigate the fundamental characteristics and the model of object interfernce to the wireless signal. In the second task, we then investigate localization methods by using the interference model. In the Third task, we will derive coverage model and coverage methods in such application. In the last we aim to improve the accuracy, scalability, latancy problem in transceiver-free localization. We plan to publish 8-10 papers i
英文关键词: Tranceiver-free Object;Localization;RF-based Technologies;;