项目名称: 以"光毒郁肤"理论探讨清热凉血解毒法对光敏感性皮肤病角质形成细胞相关调控机制的研究
项目编号: No.81202703
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 医学八处
项目作者: 孙丽蕴
作者单位: 首都医科大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 基于清热凉血解毒法创立的抗光敏合剂,是我院治疗光敏感性皮肤病的传统中医制剂,临床疗效卓著,但相关药理机制尚未系统阐明。本研究以赵炳南教授提出的"光毒郁肤"理论为依据,探讨光之阳邪侵损肌肤的病机和清热凉血解毒以消斑祛敏的药理机制。本研究采用紫外线诱导下的Balb/c小鼠及HaCaT细胞光损伤模型,以紫外线损伤的关键作用环节- - 氧化损伤和细胞凋亡为切入点,利用现代医学及分子生物学技术,观察清热凉血解毒法对线粒体介导的细胞凋亡及氧化应激损伤作用通路的影响,揭示清热凉血解毒法在调节氧化应激损伤、诱导角质形成细胞调亡,调控线粒体介导的细胞凋亡信号途径的作用环节、作用靶点和作用机制,从而为清热凉血解毒法防治光敏感性皮肤病提供辨证论治的理论基础和物质基础,丰富并完善中医"光毒郁肤"理论的科学内涵,为基于"清热凉血解毒法"创立的抗光敏合剂防治光敏感性皮肤病的应用提供科学依据。
中文关键词: 清热凉血解毒法;光敏感性皮肤病;角质形成细胞;氧化损伤;细胞凋亡
英文摘要: The Anti-Photosensitivity Composition is based on the phototoxic theory of Professor Zhao Bingna, for cooling and disintoxic the blood. It has been used for many years and has a good curative effect. The investigation is been designed in order to reveal the pathogenesis of photosensitivity and the pharmaco-mechanism of The Anti-Photosensitivity Composition. The investigation uses the LAB/c mice and HaCaT cell irradiated with UVB, to see the relationship between mitochondria mediated Apoptosis and Oxidative stress damage. Rationale and material will be furnished for determination of treatment based in pathogenesis obtained through differentiation of symptoms and signs by Traditional Chinese Medicine, on photosensitive dermatosis. The application of Anti-Photosensitivity Composition will have a scientific basement.
英文关键词: Qingreliangxue detoxification method;light-sensitive skin diseases;keratinocytes;oxidative damage;apoptosis