项目名称: 社会结构理论视角下CEO促进TMT行为整合机理研究
项目编号: No.71302070
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 成瑾
作者单位: 厦门大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 变革是21世纪的形而上学。要有效应对复杂变革的环境,高管团队(TMT)作为知识、技能、信息、专长互补的决策单位成为企业的必然选择,但如何使TMT成为一个既倡导首创精神又能够真正实现信息共享的团队始终是理论界探讨的难题。CEO对TMT作用机理的研究一直以来没有足够深入,处于表层和片段化状态。本课题以社会结构化理论为理论基础,强调CEO"造钟而非报时"的团队结构构建功能,TMT成员在有效的团队结构体系(合理的规则和资源分配)作用下能够积极互动、贡献智力,最终贡献于组织绩效。本研究在文献回顾的基础上,拟通过应用多种研究方法(多案例研究、焦点团队、统计方法等)提出结构化理论视角下CEO促进TMT行为整合的综合模型并进行实证检验,系统回答CEO需要构建什么样的团队结构以促进TMT行为整合以及具有什么特征的CEO在何情境下才能构建出有效的团队结构,深入TMT过程的黑箱问题,并给实践者带来具体启发。
中文关键词: CEO;TMT;行为整合;团队结构;结构化理论
英文摘要: Change is the metaphysics of 21st century. To effectively deal with the complex and changing environment, top management team as a combination of knowledge, skills, information and expertise has become the strategic decision unit of many enterprises. But it is very difficult both for researchers and practitioner to make TMT a team full of spirits of creativity and cooperation.Nowsdays the researches about how CEO influnces TMT are very limited,superficial and incomplete.Based on the structuration theory, this research focuses on the importance of the TMT structure and clarifies that through building an effective TMT structure, CEO could direct the TMT members to share the knowledge and create the positive organizational results. This study is based on a review of related literatures, carried on by the application of various research methods (multi-case study method, focus group and statistics research) and put forward a comprehensive theoretical framework and tests it. Through this research, we will find what kind of team structure can cause effective TMT behavioral integration and what kind of CEO in what conditions can build effective team structure. Thus the research can push the study of "black box" question theoretically and also give practitioners specific guide.
英文关键词: CEO;TMT;behavioral integration;team structure;structration theroy