项目名称: 夜间灯光数据支持的时空多尺度贫困地区测度方法研究
项目编号: No.41301118
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 袁涛
作者单位: 中国地质大学(北京)
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 消除贫困是全世界面临的重大问题,如何识别贫困并分析其时空变化是一个科学问题,至今仍然给政府和学者带来挑战。不找到真正的贫困地区和贫困人群,各种扶贫措施就会失去其应有的效应,不掌握其时空变化特征就无法客观评价扶贫效果。传统的社会经济统计数据缺乏空间信息,获取耗时费力,且客观性不易保证,本项目在调研分析贫困区夜间灯光的主要来源与成像机理的基础上,耦合夜间灯光数据与社会经济统计数据,确定区域灯光特征与贫困程度定量表达形式,通过分析典型研究区贫困程度与灯光特征变量以及其它影响因素的定量关系,在不同尺度上构建针对单年度DMSP/OLS数据的贫困测度模型。研究多年度夜间灯光数据的标准化处理方法,将单年度模型进行推广,提出适用于不同年度数据的贫困测度系列模型,利用这些模型对我国贫困地区进行全面的测算,揭示省域、县域以及像元尺度上贫困状况的时空变化特征,为提高扶贫政策措施的制定和执行效率提供客观依据。
中文关键词: 贫困区;夜间灯光数据;贫困测度;时空分析;
英文摘要: Poverty alleviation is a major issue worldwide. What is still challenging the government and scholars today is how to identify poverty and its spatial distribution, which also brings up a question to the scientific field. The effectiveness of poverty alleviation policies will be impaired without truly identifying poverty regions and poverty populations. And evaluating such policies will be impossible if the spatial distribution of poverty remains unknown. Unfortunately, spatial information cannot be found in traditional socio-economic statistics, which are also subject to time-consuming efforts and low objectivity.In this project, major sources and influencing factors of night lights are used to determine the quantitative expression between night light characteristics and poverty based on single year data analysis. The quantitative relationships between different variables are calculated based on the night light parameters and poverty evaluation indicators collected from multiple samples, coupling these indicators with socio-economic data and existing poverty quantification indicators. The process will be repeated to establish poverty evaluation models on different geography scales.Through data standardization for multiple years, a series of poverty evaluation models along the time line can be derived. The serie
英文关键词: Poverty region;Night-time light imgery;Measurement of poverty;Spatio-temporal analysis;