项目名称: 基于海洋浮标的卫星导航通信新系统的关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61271284
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 宁春林
作者单位: 国家海洋局第一海洋研究所
项目金额: 85万元
中文摘要: 卫星导航通信系统是浮标观测中重要组成部分,研究和探索海洋浮标使用的卫星导航通信系统的新理论、新方法和新技术是目前国内外开发海洋的前沿课题。主要的科学问题表现在:解决好通信与导航一体化的问题,解决好信号的安全可靠传输问题;解决好利用一颗同步通信卫星定位时,测量方程的病态问题。针对上述问题,本项目提出定位戳技术,实现通信信号和定位信号的深融合;提出利用高码速率的伪码扩频技术和寄生隐匿传输技术,实现抗强干扰的入向传输;提出建立单星伪距/海平面约束/IMU航位推算组合测量模型及求解算法,从而做到利用一颗通信卫星就能实现海洋浮标位置信息的获取。以上三项关键技术的研究和探索,将使卫星导航通信系统结构简单,工作可靠,从而为我国海洋浮标卫星通信导航新系统的构建创造好条件,具有重要的理论研究意义和应用推广价值。
中文关键词: 浮标观测;卫星导航;卫星通信;隐匿信号;单星定位
英文摘要: Satellite navigation and communication systems is an important part of the buoy observations. The new theories, new methods and new technologies of the satellite navigation and communication used by the ocean buoy is the hot topics at the present. The performance of the major scientific issues are communication and navigation integration in one system ,safe and reliable signal transmission and ill-conditioned equation with a synchronous communication satellite positioning.The following three methods was proposed. The first method, deep integration of the communication signal and positioning signal is achieved by positioning stamp technology; The second method, the active avoidance and avoiding the passive anti-jamming is achieved by signal high bit rate and the technology of parasitic transmission; The last method, location of the ocean buoy obtained by single communication satellite is achieved by the establishment of single-satellite pseudorange / sea plane constraint / IMU dead-reckoning combination of measurement model machine and solution algorithm. The above three key technologies will make satellite navigation and communication system structure simple and reliable. These reseraches will create good conditions for the construction of China's ocean buoy satellite communications and navigation system and pr
英文关键词: Buyo Observation;Satellite Navigation;Satellite Communication;hiding signal;single satellite positioning