项目名称: 黑河上游冻土区地下水流过程及其与地表水转化研究
项目编号: No.91325101
项目类型: 重大研究计划
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 马瑞
作者单位: 中国地质大学(武汉)
项目金额: 70万元
中文摘要: 对发源于冰冻圈的河流,冻土区地下水流过程研究是认识其流域水资源形成与转化的重要基础。黑河上游冻土区是黑河的主要产流区,但该区水文地质学研究薄弱,对地下水流动过程及其与地表水相互作用的认识基本空白,严重制约了黑河上游的生态水文集成工作。为此,本项目选取黑河上游葫芦沟小流域为研究区,通过勘查、钻探、地温监测等手段,揭示冻土区地下水含水系统的结构;利用同位素与水化学示踪数据,结合水文地球化学反向模型,识别冻土区地下水的流动过程及其与地表水的转换关系。在此基础上,以同位素径流分割结果为约束,构建地下水流和热运移耦合数值模型,揭示冻土分布格局和融冻过程对地下水循环的影响机制,刻画地下水与地表水的相互作用,计算地下水向河道的排泄量,预测气候变化对冻土区地下水过程及河道基流量的影响。研究成果可为重大研究计划中黑河上游的集成研究提供关键的模型参数与机理过程,为其它小流域的地下水过程研究提供理论和方法借鉴。
中文关键词: 冻土;地下水流过程;水化学和同位素方法;水热耦合模型;黑河流域
英文摘要: The occurrence, circulation and nature of the groundwater flow in permafrost regions play an important role in the hydrological cycle and the formation of water resources in the basins with the rivers originated from cryosphere. Water resource of the Heihe River mainly comes from the permafrost region at the upper reaches of Heihe River Basin, where is a main water flow producing region for Heihe River Basin. However, few studies have been conducted to investigate the groundwater flow and its interaction with surface water in permafrost region of the area. This impedes the progress of the ecohydrological integrated research at the upper reaches of Heihe River Basin. To bridge the gap, the Hulugou catchment, located at the upper reaches of Heihe River Basin, is chosen as the study area in this research with the aim to: 1) analyze the groundwater aquifer systems with hydrogeological survey, drilling, groundwater level and temperature monitoring; 2) identify the groundwater recharge, flow path and discharge, and groundwater and surface water exchange by using hydrogeochemical and isotopic method and inverse hydrogeochemical model; 3) illuminate the control of permafrost distribution and its freeze-thaw process on groundwater flow and its discharge to the Heihe River by developing coupled groundwater flow and heat t
英文关键词: permafrost;groundwater flow;chemical and isotopic method;flow and heat transport model;Heihe River Basin