项目名称: 基于碳标签体系的利益主体行为机制研究
项目编号: No.41301639
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 赵锐
作者单位: 西南交通大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 碳标签是一种新型的产品信息的沟通手段,通过标签的形式将产品在整个生命周期的温室气体排放总量予以标示。碳标签体系的实施会影响消费者及生产者的行为,所标示的碳足迹信息可为消费者提供绿色消费向导,选择低碳产品;可帮助企业监督生产过程中高碳排放的环节,挖掘节能减排的潜力,对促进整个社会的可持续发展有着举足轻重的作用。因此,本课题旨在研究碳标签体系推行中相关利益主体的行为机制,通过系统动力学的模拟仿真,分析实施体系的核心驱动因素与影响要素,为推动我国碳标志体系的发展提供必要的理论依据;通过建立博弈情景分析,讨论企业、消费者及政府的行为变化,为企业推动清洁生产提供优化的策略措施,为政府制定合理的碳标签实施政策提供理论支持,进一步增强消费者的环保意识,从而减少温室气体的排放,缓解气候变化危机。
中文关键词: 碳标签体系;碳减排;利益主体;政策工具;绿色发展
英文摘要: Carbon labelling is a new mean for product communication, which is used to indicate total greenhouse gas emissions throughout product lifecycle in the form of a tag. The impliation of carbon labelling scheme may influence behaviours of both consumers and producers, by which consumer may tend to select low-carbon products with awarness of green consumption, as well as producers are potential to monitor the manufacturing process to identify high carbon emissions scenario for energy saving, thus to promote sustainable development. In this context, this project will centre on behaviour mechanism of stakeholders regarding to the implementation of carbon labelling scheme. Through the simulation based on system dynamics, the driving factors and actors for the scheme implementation are studied, to provide theoretical basis for the development of National carbon labelling system. In addition, the possible strategic behaviours of manufacturers, consumers and government will be disucssed by means of game theoretical analysis, in order to help manufacturers select optimal strategy to imporove cleaner production, help government formulate approprioate polices to incentivize the carbon labelling scheme, whilst enhance the consumers' awareness of environmental protection, to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and ultimately m
英文关键词: Carbon labelling scheme;Carbon emissions reduction;Stakeholders;Policy tools;Green development