项目名称: 高压电性能锆钛酸钡钙薄膜的取向优化研究
项目编号: No.51502127
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 李伟
作者单位: 聊城大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: Ba1-yCayZrxTi1-xO3 (BCZT)材料在多晶型相变(PPT)处具有极高压电性能,然而,当前BCZT薄膜材料的压电性能远不及其块体材料。研究表明,薄膜取向或外延生长是改善其压电性能的有效途径之一。另外,在硅基电路能承受较低的结晶温度下,研究薄膜取向类型与压电性能关系具有重要的实际应用价值。本项目拟采用基于硅工艺的薄膜制备方法,通过材料组成选择、缓冲层优化和制备工艺改进等,调控BCZT薄膜的取向生长,进而在较低结晶温度下获得取向生长的高压电性能薄膜材料。在此基础上,研究缓冲层对薄膜取向及界面的影响规律;探索薄膜的取向类型、微观结构与压电性能之间的关系,揭示其产生高压电性能的机理;优化出提高无铅薄膜压电性能的方案,为其在微机电系统和信息领域中的应用奠定理论与技术基础。
中文关键词: 无铅陶瓷;压电薄膜;准同型相界;取向;锆钛酸钡钙
英文摘要: Extremely high piezoelectric properties were obtained at the polymorphic phase transition (PPT) of the Ba1-yCayZrxTi1-xO3 (BCZT) materials, however, the piezoelectric properties of BCZT thin films were not as good as that of BCZT bulk materials. It was found that oriented and/or epitaxial structure could improve the piezoelectric properties of thin films. Moreover, it was close to application for the study of relationship of orientation and piezoelectric properties at low temperature that suit to semiconductor technology. In this study, the oriented BCZT thin films with high piezoelectric properties will be prepared by semiconductor technology. The orientation of BCZT thin film could be controled by the optimized component, buffer layers and experimental procedure. The effect on orientation growth and interface by buffer layer will be studied. The relationship of orientation, microstructure and piezoelectric properties will be explored, meantime, the proposals which enhance the piezoelectric properties will be optimized. The study could provide theory and techniques for the application in micro electro mechanical systems and information field.
英文关键词: Lead-free ceramics;Piezoelectric thin film;MPB;Orientation;BCZT