项目名称: 中南半岛山区刀耕火种农业时空格局变化及其植被恢复过程研究
项目编号: No.41301090
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 李鹏
作者单位: 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 刀耕火种农业是中南半岛普遍存在且备受争议的土地利用形式,近20年来已经或正在向其他土地利用类型快速转变。既有相关研究普遍集中在地方尺度,零星而分散,对中南半岛山区刀耕火种农业的时空格局变化与植被恢复过程缺乏清晰认识。鉴于此,项目以Landsat影像共享为契机,基于3S技术建立刀耕火种农业遥感信息识别与提取方法,编制中南半岛山区1990-2000-2010年1:10万和典型地区1:5万刀耕火种农业数字地图;依此,对比研究不同时期刀耕火种农业空间格局变化与地域分布规律,定量揭示刀耕火种农业与自然因素、人类活动的空间依存关系,模拟分析刀耕火种农业适宜范围及其强度特征;最后,利用景观指数评估刀耕火种农业对森林景观的影响,并基于年际时序影像构建植被-水分指数动态曲线,对比研究不同地区/类型刀耕火种农业用地的植被恢复过程及其差异性,以期为中南半岛山区刀耕火种农业可持续利用提供科学依据与决策支持。
中文关键词: 刀耕火种农业;物候;遥感监测;植被恢复;中南半岛山区
英文摘要: Swidden agriculture is an important and disputable land use practice found across Mainland Southeast Asia. In the last two decades, swidden farming has rapidly transformed or is in the process of transforming into other land use systems in many parts of Mainland Southeast Asia. While these changes have been investigated in a number of localities, it remains sparse, sporadic, and scattered throughout the whole morphologic landscape unit of Mainland Southeast Asia. So far, no reliable region-wide map data and classification results of swidden farming have been reported. Scientific community have called on to give top priority to reinforcing accurate and updated assessment of the scale, extent, and pace of the transformation of swidden agriculture at the regional and global level which is critically significant for understanding global climate change. In this proposal, we take the opportunity of free access to Landsat historical imagery (near 40 years), take Montane Mainland Southeast Asia (MMSEA), 300 m elevation and above, as the study area, using the technological tools of Remote Sensing (RS), Global Positioning System (GPS), and Geographic Information System (GIS) to develop the remote sensing detection methods for swidden agriculture based on the satellite-derived parameters, to obtain the spatial distribution
英文关键词: Swidden agriculture;Phenology;Remote sensing monitoring;Vegetation recovery;Montane Mainland Southeast Asia