项目名称: 石墨烯量子点在蛋白质检测与识别中的应用研究
项目编号: No.21475017
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 陈旭伟
作者单位: 东北大学
项目金额: 84万元
中文摘要: 本项目拟根据石墨烯量子点的光谱特性,开展其在蛋白质检测与识别中的应用研究,主要包括: 研究光谱性能稳定的石墨烯量子点制备与功能化方法,确定石墨烯量子点结构与其光谱性能之间构-效关系; 研究石墨烯量子点与蛋白质之间的相互作用,探索蛋白质对石墨烯子点光谱性能的影响,建立特定蛋白质组分的新型定量分析方法。探索建立蛋白质的可视化吸附过程,为蛋白质分离纯化提供相关动力学信息。 以石墨烯量子点为荧光探针,建立快速、灵敏、高分辨的电泳后蛋白质成像与检测新方法,为血清蛋白质组学分析提供性/量方面的相关信息 基于石墨烯量子点的三维光谱(吸收、荧光与散射)性能,建立多通道蛋白质传感阵列系统用于多蛋白质组份的识别与鉴定。 研究石墨烯量子点作为新型表面增强拉曼光谱基底的表现性能,并建立相应的蛋白质分析检测方法。
中文关键词: 石墨烯量子点;纳米碳材料;蛋白质;识别;检测
英文摘要: The aim of this work is to investigate the applications of graphene quantum dots(GQDs) in the detection and discrimination of protein species, based on the unique properties of GQDs. It includes: The studies on the preparation of GQDs and the functionlization methodologies to control and improved its spectroscopic performance, and the relations between the structures of GQDs and its spectral behaviors. The investigations on the interactions between GQDs and protein species, the effect of protein on GQDs' spectral behaviors, and the development of novel protein quantitative methods using GQDs as probe. The possibility to provide dynamitic in formations for protein purification by the construction of visible protein adsorption. The development of rapid, sensitive and high resolved imaging protocol using GQDs as the spectral probe and its applications in the protein assay after electrophoresis separation. The possibility to provide quantitative and qualitative information for serum protein assay. The development of three-ways spectral array sensing system based on the absorbance, fluorescence and light scattering behaviors of GQDs. The application of this array sensing system in the discrimination and identification of multi-protein-included samples. The investogation on the preformances of GQDs as novel surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy(SERS) substrates. The development of SERS detection methods for protein quantitative assay.
英文关键词: Graphene quantum dots;Carbon nanomaterial;Protein;Discrimination;Detection