项目名称: 人造规范势下超冷原子的量子模拟
项目编号: No.11475027
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 刘杰
作者单位: 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所
项目金额: 90万元
中文摘要: 量子模拟是指用一个实验上易于实现且灵活可调的量子系统来模仿其它不易实现或不便调节的量子系统。目前,常见的量子模拟器有光晶格中的超冷原子或离子、光腔列、超导电路、核磁共振操控的核自旋等。其中,光晶格中的超冷原子非常适用于模拟凝聚态物理,系统的许多参数,包括晶格的维度、几何形式以及原子在晶格中的隧穿耦合矩阵元、在位相互作用能等均灵活可调。本项目主要目标在于运用原子物理及量子光学等学科的基础理论,结合最新实验进展,研究探索在超冷原子气体中产生人造规范势的新方法。并应用人造规范势中的超冷原子系统模拟量子霍尔效应、狄拉克方程等量子力学中的重要问题,分析研究自旋-轨道耦合的玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体的复杂动力学性质。
中文关键词: 人造规范势;量子模拟;超冷原子;非线性动力学
英文摘要: Quantum simulation is to employ an easily realizable and flexibly controllable quantum system to emulate other systems of interest that are otherwise intractable. At present, the family of quantum simulators includes ultracold atoms, ultracold ions, arrays of optical cavities, superconductive circuits, nuclear spins in nuclear magnetic resonance, etc. Ultracold atoms are quite suitable for simulating condensed matter physics because of the high degree of controllability of many system parameters such as the dimension and geometry of the lattice, the hopping magnitude and the on-site interaction energy of the atoms in the lattice. This project aims to explore new schemes to create the artificial gauge potentials for ultracold atoms based on the fundamental theories in atomic physics and quantum optics, along with recent developments in related experiments. Simplified models are derived after reasonable approximations. These models are our starting point to simulate important physical problems including quantum Hall effect, Klein tunneling and Zitterbewegung effect, and also to study the properties of the spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates.
英文关键词: Artificial gauge potential;Quantum simulation;Ultracold atoms;nonlinear dynamics