项目名称: 噪声环境下腔量子电动力学量子计算与量子相干操控的理论研究
项目编号: No.11465020
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 王洪福
作者单位: 延边大学
项目金额: 62万元
中文摘要: 量子计算科学是一门重要的交叉研究领域,可以完成经典计算无法完成或者很难完成的计算任务,其潜在的巨大应用引发了近二十几年来科学界对量子计算理论和实验的研究。在量子信息学的研究中,腔量子电动力学(腔QED)系统具有独特的优势,在抑制系统退相干和实现量子网络方面有着其它系统无法比拟的优点,显示了其它系统不可替代的作用。本项目针对噪声环境下不同的原子(或人工原子)-腔相互作用系统,进行有关量子计算与量子相干操控方面的理论研究。具体内容包括:色散情况下单向量子计算的有效实现、局域和非局域多比特量子逻辑门及分布式量子计算的实现、以及对量子态的有效操控和物理实现等问题。本项目旨在通过对噪声环境下原子-腔耦合系统量子特性的研究,探寻有益于提高量子计算效率的有效的操控方法以及降低消相干影响的有效途径,为规模化、实用化量子计算的实现提供理论基础和实验依据。
中文关键词: 腔量子电动力学;量子计算;量子信息;量子相干操控
英文摘要: Quantum computation, which is a very promising new research field, can solve certain problems much faster than on a classical computer. This matter of fact has triggered a lot of studies on the theoretical and practical aspects of quantum computation in the past two decades due to its potential application.Compared with other quantum systems, cavity quantum electrodynamics (cavity QED) systems play an irreplaceable role and have particular advantages of suppressing the decoherence and constructing the quantum network in the field of quantum information science. This project mainly focuse on the study on quantum computation and quantum coherent manipulation using different atom(or artificial atoms)-cavity interaction systems in noisy enviroments, including the effective implementation of one-way quantum computation, local and nonlocal multi-bit quantum logic gates, and distributed quantum computation; and the effective manipulation and the physical realization of quantum states. The aim of this project is to seek the efficient controlling method of improving the efficiency of quantum computation and to seek the efficient way of reducing the influence of quantum decoherence, providing some useful theoritical foundations and experimental datas for largle scale and practical quantum computation.
英文关键词: cavity quantum electrodynamics;quantum computation;quantum information;quantum coherent manipulation