项目名称: 基于社会网络的服务集成建模和推荐研究
项目编号: No.61202090
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 计算机科学学科
项目作者: 谢晓芹
作者单位: 哈尔滨工程大学
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 服务计算这一计算范型的出现使得服务组装成为解决企业应用集成问题的重要方法,社会网络的发展又促进了服务共享社区站点的繁荣,这为社会化的面向服务软件开发方法带来新挑战.如何集成应用异构的互联网服务资源?如何通过服务的语义管理机制满足动态变化需求?如何选择最符合用户需求的服务?这些问题成为服务组装乃至服务计算范型应用的障碍.本项目以实现互联网上软件服务资源的集成、建模和推荐为目标,将社会网络和服务计算相结合,围绕服务语义资源空间的理论、模型、方法和工具这个科学问题,拟从五方面展开研究:(1)面向服务的多类型知识链接模型;(2)统一的服务语义内容管理模型;(3)社会化的服务发现和推荐方法;(4)社会化的协同专家发现模型;(5)基于社会网络的服务集成、建模和推荐工具包和系统平台.课题实现的工具包将开源用于科学研究.本课题为适应开放、变化需求的软件应用环境的服务计算提供理论基础和技术支撑.
中文关键词: 社会网络;服务发现;服务推荐;专家团队生成;链接预测
英文摘要: Service-oriented Computing paradigm makes service composition being the major method for enterprise application integration. And the development of social network has promoted the emerging of more and more service sharing community web sites.This leads to new challenges for social service-oriented software development. How to integrating the service resource on internet? How to meet the dynamic and variable demands through service semantic management? How to discovery the desirous services for end users? These issues have prohibited the pratical application of service computing. This project aims to realize the service integrating, semantic modeling and recommending on Internet. By combining the social network technologies with service computing, focusing on the scientific problems on the theories,models,methods and tools of service semantic resource space,we undertake the research in the following five topics:(1) service-oriented multi-type knowledge linking model;(2)unified service semantic content management model;(3)social network-based service discovery and recommendation methods;(4) social network-based collaborative expert discovery model; (5)toolkit and platform for service integrating, modeling and recommending based on social network. Datasets and software developed as part of this project will be made
英文关键词: Social Network;Service Discovery;Service Recommendation;Expert Team Formation;Link Prediction