项目名称: 面向社会媒体的多平台用户协同
项目编号: No.61303176
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 桑基韬
作者单位: 中国科学院自动化研究所
项目金额: 28万元
中文摘要: 一方面,社会媒体的一个显著特点以用户为中心:网络用户是信息的基本感知单元,信息监控的主要对象是用户的网络行为和基于用户网络行为的社会事件;社会媒体时代的信息服务需要"以人为本",理解用户喜好和满足用户需求。另一方面,社会媒体时代的信息分布有明显的平台分散化趋势,要进行全方位信息理解和用户分析,需要对多平台的信息进行关联和融合。本项目面向我国网络空间信息监控和信息服务重大实际需求,以网络用户为中心、多平台的共同用户为出发点,挖掘社会媒体时代的信息关联,研究信息融合和用户建模的基础理论和关键技术,揭示跨平台信息传播的一般模式;同时研发多平台用户协同的验证平台,推动多平台分析技术在信息监控和信息服务中的应用,形成自主知识产权的示范性应用系统。
中文关键词: 社会媒体分析;用户建模;跨社会媒体网络;;
英文摘要: Understanding the user-centric characteristic is key to analyze and exploit social media content. Firstly, user is the basic element in information acquirement. Information monitoring is mainly devoted to analyze users' online activities and user activity-based social events. Secondly, information service has a trend of personalization. Understanding user interests contributes to effective personalized information services. Moreover, in social media, information distributes in multiple platforms. It is necessary to associate and integrate the distributed information to gain deep user understanding as well as complete information analysis. In this project, with the objectives in online information monitoring and information services, we propose a novel user-centric multi-platform collaboration framework. It divides into three stages: (1) Multi-platform association: user activity association and relation alignment; (2) Multi-platform analysis: structured attribute learning, relational user modeling, information fusion, and information diffusion analysis; (3) Multi-platform collaborated application: personalized search and recommendation, online user activity monitoring, social events tracking and visualization.
英文关键词: social media mining;user modeling;cross-OSN;;