项目名称: 煤层顶板突水机理及突水危险性分区预测方法研究
项目编号: No.41472234
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 地质学
项目作者: 侯恩科
作者单位: 西安科技大学
项目金额: 88万元
中文摘要: 煤矿水害是仅次于瓦斯灾害的矿井五大灾害中的第二大灾害,而煤层顶板水害则是煤矿水害的一种重要类型。但目前对地表沟道洪水、上覆煤层采空区积水和顶板含水层地下水等多水源煤层顶板突水机理尚未完全掌握,对突水危险性分区预测还缺乏有效方法。本项目拟以陕北侏罗纪煤田为研究区,采用现场调查、相似材料模拟、数值模拟等方法研究煤层覆岩破坏、裂隙导水性和突水规律及导水裂隙带高度的预测方法,采用沟道洪水漏失量水槽实验、采空区积水量多方法预测与案例比较分析、地下水流数值模拟和地理信息系统多源信息叠加分析等方法研究多水源煤层顶板突水危险性分区预测方法,利用地理信息系统平台开发煤层顶板突水危险性分区预测系统,为矿井顶板水害预测防治提供理论和方法。本项研究不但对于丰富矿井突水机理和预测方法具有重要意义,而且对于西部干旱地区煤层顶板水害防治具有实际指导意义。
中文关键词: 煤层顶板;矿井;突水机理;突水危险性;预测方法
英文摘要: The coal mine water disaster is the second-largest disaster in the mine after the gas disaster in five major disasters, and the water disaster from coal seam roof is a major type of coal mine water disaster. But now,the water gushing-out mechanism has not been known really,and the regional prediction methods have not been developed for the dangerousness of water gushing-out from valley flood water, coal seam goaf water and the roof aquifer underground water. With the Jurassic Coalfield in northern Shaanxi as the study area, the project will research the failure regularity of coal seam overburden rock,fracture conductivity,regularity of water gushing-out and the prediction method of water flowing fractured zone height,through the fieled survey, similar material simulation method and numerical simulation method. The project will also research the regional prediction method for the water gushing from coal seam roof,using the flume experiment of the fluid-loss of valley flood flow,the prediction of coal seam goaf water quantity by meens of many methods of mine inflow predicting, case comparative analysis, underground water flow numerical simulation and multi-source information overlay analysis of Geographic Information System. Based on the method the project provided,the experimental regional prediction system for the danger of water gushing-out from coal seam roof will be developed by GIS platform. The study is not only of great significance for the development of the theories and methods of the mechanism and prediction of water gushing-out from coal seam roof, but also has practical significance for the prevention and controlling of water hazard from coal seam roof in the arid west regions of China.
英文关键词: coal seam roof;coal mine;water gushing-out mechanism;water gushing-out dangerousness;prediction methods