项目名称: 飞机尾流雷达特征信号的分析与建模技术研究
项目编号: No.61201333
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电子学与信息系统
项目作者: 李健兵
作者单位: 中国人民解放军国防科学技术大学
项目金额: 27万元
中文摘要: 飞机尾流的实时探测是航空安全、隐身飞机中远程预警等领域的关键技术问题之一,其中雷达被认为是最具潜力的一种探测方式,但是当前尾流电磁散射特性不明确的现状严重制约了尾流雷达探测技术的发展,加强飞机尾流电磁散射特性的研究成为迫切需求。 飞机尾流的结构复杂且尺寸巨大,其电磁散射特性计算属雷达目标特性和计算电磁学领域的技术难题。本项目拟从飞机尾流的空气动力学模型出发,深化尾流介电常数分布的多因素混合建模技术研究,突破基于渐近相位提取的散射积分方程快速求解方法中的若干关键技术问题,提出系统的飞机尾流电磁散射特性计算解决方案,计算获取尾流全面的雷达散射特性,并通过尾流探测实验初步验证和修正计算结果和散射模型,最后实现飞机尾流的雷达回波模拟。本项目在尾流特性模拟上的研究成果可为尾流雷达探测技术研究提供理论和模型支撑,在散射积分方程快速求解方法上的研究成果对计算电磁学的研究具有重要学术价值
中文关键词: 飞机尾流;散射特性;多普照勒;环量;雷达
英文摘要: The real-time detection of aircraft wake vortices is an important issue in the aviation safety and related fields. Among the current detection approaches, radar is believed to be a most potential one. However the scattering characteristics of wake vortices remain undiscovered to a certain extent; this has greatly inhibited the development of radar detection technology for wake vortices, and makes the scattering characteristics study become an urgent problem. The wake vortex is a kind of complex and large-scaled target, and the investigation of its scattering characteristics remain as a difficult probem for the field of radar comptational electromagnetices.Starting from the aerodynamical model of the wake vortices, this project will deeply investigate the multifactor mixing model of wake vortices' dielectric constant, and break through several key problems for the rapid solution of scattering integral equation based on the asymptotic phase front extraction ansatz, and then put forward a systemic solution scheme for obtaining the scattering characteristics of wake vortices. Afterwards, the scattering characteristics are to be comprehensively calculated using this scheme, and field radar detection experiments are to be made to calibrate the calculation results and scattering models, and the radar echoes of wake vo
英文关键词: Aircraft Wake Vortex;Scattering Characteristics;Doppler;Circulation;Radar