项目名称: 基于递归分析的桥梁环境振动信号非平稳评价
项目编号: No.51308175
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 杨栋
作者单位: 合肥工业大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 由桥梁环境振动响应信号处理一般基于信号平稳性的假定。由于运营中激励的复杂性和结构自身的时变或非线性特征,桥梁监测环境振动响应信号本质上是非平稳随机信号。因此,环境振动响应信号的正确处理,首先要评价信号是不是平稳的以及非平稳的程度如何,才能确定用什么方法去处理。项目结合桥梁结构及其工作环境的特点,以非平稳响应信号分析为出发点,采用递归分析方法,以刻画响应信号的递归图(RP)为突破口,从理论、数值模拟和试验三个方面,对信号是否非平稳及其非平稳程度进行深入研究。重点解决刻画信号递归图过程中递归矩阵的建立原则、递归图相关参数选取及大型递归矩阵运算等关键技术问题;提出用递归图特征判断信号是否非平稳的方法,并从信号递归定量分析(RQA)中提取出一个新的反映信号非平稳程度的特征指标,以评价信号的非平稳程度。项目成果可广泛应用于桥梁健康监测和安全评估研究,具有重要的理论意义和工程实用价值。
中文关键词: 递归图;递归量化分析;非平稳;振动信号;健康监测
英文摘要: Acquisition signals from bridges are essentially nonstationary random signals, because of complexity of excitation in operation and the structure's time-varying and non-linear characteristics. Currently, signals were assumed to be stationary before processing. So analysis results have uncertainty: the results in the different period are affected by level of non-stationarity and noise. And some signal processing methods are based on the known non-stationarity characteristic. Therefore, the non-stationarity assessment for signals are necessary. Based on the characteristics of bridge structures and their operational environment, this project selects the non-stationary signal analysis as a starting point, uses recurrence analysis theory, and establish recurrence plot of signals as a pawn, in order to make a in - depth research of the non-stationarity and non-stationary degree of the signals from theory, numerical simulation and experiment. It fouces on construction principle of recurrence matrix, parameters selection and huge recurrence matrix calculation. Than, it proposes a method to judge the signals are stationary or not and assess the non-stationarity degree by a exacted non-stationary feature. This method can be extensively applied to bridge health mornitoring and safety assessment, it is significant to the
英文关键词: recurrence plots;recurrence quantification analysis;non-stationarity;dynamic signals;health mornitor