项目名称: 无机非金属铁电纳米材料及热释电纳米发电机研究
项目编号: No.51472055
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 杨亚
作者单位: 北京纳米能源与系统研究所
项目金额: 83万元
中文摘要: 基于铁电纳米材料的热释电纳米发电机是一种新颖的热电能源转换器件,具有原材料丰富、成本低、不需要温度差和性能稳定等优点,已经成为温差纳米发电机的潜在代替品,目前的研究重点在于如何提高其热电转化效率。为了解决现有热释电纳米发电机热电转换效率低的缺点,本项目将系统研究各种铁电纳米材料的热释电性质,深入研究铁电纳米材料的尺寸效应与材料的热释电性质的内在关系。探索铁电纳米材料的可控生长机理,系统研究铁电纳米材料的结构形态、微观结构和形貌对热释电纳米发电机性能的影响规律,揭示在静态/动态的外部加载力和外部光照等方面增强热电转换效率的机制。构建基于热释电纳米发电机阵列,具有简单像素的自驱动温度传感器系统原型。该研究成果有利于提高我国热释电纳米发电机的基础研究水平,为发展新型的热电转换材料和新能源器件打下基础,也为提高热释电纳米发电机的热电转换效率提供了新的思路。
中文关键词: 铁电;纳米材料;纳米发电机;传感器;热释电
英文摘要: The ferroelectric nanomaterials-based pyroelectric nanogenerators (PENGs) have become the potential replacement of thermoelectric nanogenerators due to many advantages such as abundant materials, low costs, no temperature difference,and stable output perfomance.The current research focus has been palced on how to enahnce the heat-to-electron conversion efficiency of the PENGs.To solve the low efficiency problem of current PENGs, we would systematically investigate the pyroelectric properties of many ferroelectric nanomaterials,and discover the relationships between the size effect of the naonomaterials and the pyroelectric properties. We would clarify the controlled growth mechanism of ferroelectric nanomaterials,systematically inverstigate the effect of the morphology and structure of ferroelectric nanomaterials on the output performance of the PENGs,and establish the conversion efficiency enhancement mechanism of the PENGs by using the static/dynamic loading forces and the external light illumination conditions.Based on the PENG array, we would fabricate the slef-powered temperature sensor system with the simple pixels for detecting the temperature spatial distribution. The outcomes of this work should be helpful to advance the basic research for PENGs in our country,lay the foundation for devloping the new class of heat-to-electron conversion materials and new energy devices, and provide some new views for enhancing the heat-to-electron conversion efficiency of the PENGs.
英文关键词: Ferroelectric;Nanomaterials;Nanogenerators;Sensor;Pyroelectric