项目名称: 液态金属湍流的边界主动吸注控制理论研究
项目编号: No.61473253
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 许超
作者单位: 浙江大学
项目金额: 83万元
中文摘要: 磁约束聚变堆(托克马克)包层属于关键能量转换部件,内部液态金属锂铅承担氚增殖、能量输出和辐射屏蔽等任务,热流密度极高。流动液态金属在托克马克强磁场作用下产生洛伦兹力受到磁流体效应(MHD),阻碍流动性,传热效果降低。本项目提出磁流体边界主动控制思路,围绕液态金属流场状态估计、边界开环控制参数设计,以及边界闭环反馈控制三个问题展开基础理论研究。状态估计探讨电势探针如何布置,以及如何基于点阵测量数据进行流场时空演化过程估计;边界开环控制研究周期性边界扰动输入和探针测量点阵之间的输入输出关系,以及如何合理设定扰动参数实现流动阻力极小化;边界反馈控制部分提出基于测量点阵数据的PID反馈控制策略,研究测点位置选取与PID参数对流动阻力的影响。
中文关键词: 边界控制;模型降阶;计算最优控制;时空状态估计;磁流体
英文摘要: Blanket is a critical energy conversion component of a tokamak for magnetic fusion research. Tokamak blanket is filled with liquid metal lithium which becomes less movable due to interaction with strong magnetic fields generated by the tokama coils. Then, heat transfer becomes low efficient and the device may turn to be overheating. The current project proposes to study three main problems, including estimation of the flow field, open-loop and closed-loop control methods for drag force reduction. The estimation problem investigates position optimization of potential probes as well as data assimilation theory for data measured from the potential probe array. The input-output mapping will be investigated to understand the drag force reduction of the boundary control mechanism. Frequency response analysis will be carried out towards designing best open-loop excitation signals of harmonics and numerical optimization algorithms. The third part of this project is to investigate feedback controller synthesis to achieve closed-loop control for the MHD flows by studying the relationship among PID parameters, probe location and the total drag force.
英文关键词: Boundary Control;Model Order Reduction;Computational Optimal Control;State Estimation;MHD