项目名称: 空间行波管群时延失真的物理机制与抑制技术研究
项目编号: No.61201003
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电子学与信息系统
项目作者: 胡玉禄
作者单位: 电子科技大学
项目金额: 27万元
中文摘要: [研究意义]:空间行波管作为综合性能要求最高的一类行波管,是空间各类卫星和航天器的核心部件。群时延特性是空间行波管的一项关键指标,直接影响卫星通信的误码率、导航系统的时间同步精度、测控系统的伪码测距精度等。由于缺乏对空间行波管内群时延失真产生机制的理论性研究工作,目前用于抑制空间行波管群时延失真的工程技术手段往往顾此失彼,导致管子整体性能大幅下降。因此,为了在保证空间行波管高效率和高线性度等主要性能指标的同时,降低群时延失真,须深入研究空间行波管中群时延失真的物理机制及抑制方法。 [研究内容]:本项目拟发展基于欧拉体系的电子注与电磁波相互作用的非线性解析理论,通过在指数相位上进行谐波展开,建立可以更准确地描述空间行波管注-波互作用非线性物理过程的物理模型,获得反映注-波互作用同步状态以及反映群时延失真等非线性特性的指标参量,解释群时延失真产生的物理机制,提出抑制群时延失真的方法。
中文关键词: 群时延;欧拉非线性理论;非线性现象;行波管;
英文摘要: The space-borne traveling wave tube(TWT) is a core component of satellites and space shuttles and is required to have most comprehensive performance.The group delay distortion is a key index of space-borne TWT, which directly affect the bit-error-rate of satellite communication,the precision of the time synbchronization and psedu-range measurement of navigation system. Because of the shortage in the theoretical research on the group delay distortion mechanism, the effective enginerring technology to supress group delay distortion is not quite mature,which results in degradation of TWT performance. To reduce the group delay distortion, while maintaining the high efficiency, high linearization and such performance requirement, it is urgently required to study the mechanism and suppression technology of the group delay distortion in space-borne TWT. A nonlinear analytical theory model is to be developed based on the interaction between Eulerian electron beam and the electromagnetic wave. By harmonic series expansion in the exponential phase, the physical model, which accurately describes the nonlinear precess of the beam wave interaction in TWTs,is established, and the performance indexes reflecting the beam wave synchronization and group delay distortion are obtained. Further, the mechanism of the group delay di
英文关键词: Group delay distortion;Eulerian nonlinear thoery;Nonlinear phenomenon;TWT;