项目名称: 摄动影响下汽车主动避撞系统安全距离不确定性及μ协调控制研究
项目编号: No.51305167
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 袁朝春
作者单位: 江苏大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 主动避撞是汽车主动安全领域的新技术,人-车-路-环境系统中的摄动及外界干扰导致安全距离呈现不确定特性,汽车主动避撞系统性能恶化,危及交通安全。μ理论是研究含有摄动因素的控制系统设计和性能改善问题的有效手段。本项目拟构建包含摄动因素的安全距离模型及主动避撞动力学模型,分析模型中参数摄动、未建模误差及外界干扰的幅频特性,应用μ理论线性分式变换、摄动隔离及关联重构方法,研究系统鲁棒稳定性及性能鲁棒性边界。分析摄动影响下安全距离的不确定特性,提出安全距离精确辨识方法,基于分层控制思想,应用μ理论对控制系统分析与综合,使系统在参数摄动、外界干扰下既具有良好的动态性能,又同时兼顾鲁棒稳定性和性能鲁棒性,较好解决系统稳定性和控制性能之间的矛盾,以提高安全距离计算的准确性及避撞成功率。本项目研究成果将为主动避撞研究与应用提供新的理论和技术。
中文关键词: 车辆工程;主动避撞;动力学模型;安全距离模型;μ理论
英文摘要: Active collision avoidance is a new technique in the field of vehicle active safety. There are multidimensional uncertain perturbation and external interference that exist in the person-car-road-environment, which make the safety distance appear uncertain characteristics and collision avoidance system performance deterioration, even endanger traffic safety. The μ control theory is an effective means to design the control system which contains perturbation factors and improve performance. This project intends to build a safe distance model and collision avoidance dynamics model including perturbation factors. Analysis of parameter perturbations and external disturbances, amplitude frequency characteristics of unmodeled errors. Application of linear fractional transformation, perturbation isolation and associated reconstruction method in μ theory, research the control system robust stability and performance robustness boundary. Analysis of the safety distance's uncertain characteristics in the perturbation effect, accurate identification method of safety distance, based on the idea of hierarchical control, application of μ theory in control system analysis and synthesis, so that the system has good dynamic performance in the effect of parameter perturbations and external disturbances, but also has both robust stab
英文关键词: vehicle engineering;active collision avoidance;dynamics model;safe distance model;μ control theory